Annasamy Anna ... comments on
the value of the spoken word saying, “Everyone who is born will die. Only words
live on.” He says that what remains in the end is memory … all
becomes mud, but the rememberances we have of people is what lives on …
Annasamy Anna says, “There
can be a paper, a pen and the doctor, but finally the talarotha or fate is all
powerful. When the time to depart comes, nothing will work. If one runs
searching for doctors, no doctor will be found”.
Annasamy Anna tells many stories ...
He tells the story of how when the various gods were given responsibilities Dharmaraja or Yama protested as he was given the responsibility of ensuring death when a person’s allotted lifespan on earth was completed. But he was reassured and told that people would would not see him as responsible - and would give their own names for the cause of deaths such as disease and accidents and suchlike.
Annasamy Anna says, "There are as many routes to God, as there are paths to a village."
Annasamy Anna tells many stories ...
He tells the story of how when the various gods were given responsibilities Dharmaraja or Yama protested as he was given the responsibility of ensuring death when a person’s allotted lifespan on earth was completed. But he was reassured and told that people would would not see him as responsible - and would give their own names for the cause of deaths such as disease and accidents and suchlike.
Annasamy Anna says, "There are as many routes to God, as there are paths to a village."
Annasamy Anna, that morning.
"People used to be one. And share all they had. Now times have changed ..."
"Why ?", I asked.
" Because money came in. With money, those who have more, engage only with those who have more.
They can take money from each other when they need, and also give. So they become a closed group.
The poor stay seperate.
The walls grow with money always ..."
Today I got some very important answers. That I gave been searching for, for long.
Annasamy Anna told me, "Naren would have been reborn in the house of a koteshwaradu (crorepati)". I laughed and said, "But he would want to be born in the family of a poor man only !"
Annasamy agreed, but said, "Yes, but Yamaraju will not allow that for his greatness and goodness. The Paramatma decides for the Jeevatma."
Maybe in Naren's case Yamaraju in his infinite wisdom would realise that his koteshwaradu is the poorest family only ! I did not tell Annasamy Anna that.
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