#REMEMBERINGMAO #YouShallRemainOurChairmanForever#ComradeVinodMisra1993 #TheEternalChineseGuru
#OfTheIndianRevolution #Versus #TheFunctioningAnarchy
#OfTheIndianRevolution #Versus #TheFunctioningAnarchy
The mental slavery of Indians know no bounds .
They , even the best will seek for role models in ideology as well as social structuring , an imagination from an alien land , which has actually no connect at all with the cultures or imagination of India .
It doesn't matter whether it is Western or Eastern , Indians since a very very long time have been stuck on some foreign civilization as their Utopian aspiration.
Most of the so-called educated Indian elites or intellectuals fight over the "Model" for India .
British multiculturalism , or US salad-bowl , or German precision , or Japanese sacrificial community , or earlier USSR Soviet State and the Maoist Peasant Cultural revolution .
Except Gandhi and Tagore , and few like them , no one ever has had the courage or imagination to even attempt and Indian model.
It is not easy .
A continuous 10,000 year history , hundreds of languages and dialects , thousands of Jatis and tribes , and on top of it multiple waves of invasions .
Jains , Buddhists , Catholic and Protestant Christians , Shias , Sunnis , Hindus , have ruled parts of this Indian landmass .
But we have no option .
By just the act of Neti, Neti , Neti, we need to discover what we are .
We are not Western. We are not Arabic or Persian Islamic . We are not Sinic .
We are unlike any other .
And we need a Great Design for Indic Civilization.
Rooted here , but exposed and open to every Other .
Learning by deep engagement , but never forgetting our own Genius .
Of creating perpetual new hybrids .
Nowhere in the world have two great Religions been combined into a New Faith : Sikhism from Hinduism and Islam .
The languages of North India are a great fusion of Persian, Turkish, Arabic , and dozens of Indic dialects like Braj Bhasha , Kauravi etc .
Creating a Hindi, an Urdu , a Hindustani .
Similarly with these Ideologies of the Sect called Modernity .
Ultra Left, Left , Centre -Left , Centre , Centre-Right , Right, Ultra Right . Liberal , Conservative , Green .
And the reinventions of Evangelical Radicals, Islamists , Hindutva sects .
Here in India we will have a Thousand flowerings of hybrid Ideologies of Politics , Economics , Cultures .
"You realise, Galbraith," Nehru had once told him, "I am the last Englishman to rule in India."
You've famously called India a functioning anarchy. Why and how did that happen; have you revised your views on that?
Oh, there are some things you say to attract attention.
I wanted to emphasise the point, which would be widely accepted, that the success of India did not depend on the government. It depended on the energy, ingenuity and other qualifications of the Indian people. And the Indian quality to put ideas into practice.
I was urging an obvious point that the progress of India did not depend on the government, as important as that might be, but was enormously dependent on the initiative, individual and group—of the Indian people.
(America's ambassador to India in the Kennedy years, 1961-63, Ontario-born Galbraith has 45 honorary degrees from universities worldwide, has authored some 27 books—including two novels—and is internationally known for his development of Keynesian and post-Keynesian economics.)
Simply said , there is no one outside who can even comprehend India , and very few Indians comprehend the mind-numbing diversity and creativity of India and Indians .
So how can a simpler "Model" fit in here .
It is like trying to use the template of a temperate forest to understand a tropical forest !
But the best people keep trying .
Instead of searching deeply, Indic roots and processes , and how to build upon them.
People like Arundhati Roy will patronise Maoist leadership who are non-tribals from Andhra and West Bengal and at the same time berate the "Svarna" Baba Amte and Ramakrishna Mission .
And I have never heard a leftist intellectual ever talk about Indigenous communities belief systems and how they engage with life and cosmos . Why ?
Because they will define what is the " Revolutionary Culture", make the tribals classless and gender neutral and train them with guns and sing "revolutionary" songs
in their own dialects !

The sheer arrogance of the leftists in India is unimaginable . And they have never created an Indian imagination , an Indic knowledge understanding of how social transformations and social mobility has happened in India through centuries .
It’s convenient to forget that tribal people in Central India have a history of resistance that predates Mao by centuries. (That’s a truism of course. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t exist.) The Ho, the Oraon, the Kols, the Santhals, the Mundas and the Gonds have all rebelled several times, against the British, against zamindars and moneylenders. The rebellions were cruelly crushed, many thousands killed, but the people were never conquered.
Comrade Venu was in one of the seven armed squads who crossed the Godavari from Andhra Pradesh and entered the Dandakaranya forest (DK, in Partyspeak) in June 1980, 30 years ago. He is one of the original forty-niners. They belonged to People’s War Group (PWG), a faction of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) or CPI(ML), the original Naxalites. PWG was formally announced as a separate, independent party in April that year, under Kondapalli Seetharamiah.
As far as consumption goes, it’s more Gandhian than any Gandhian, and has a lighter carbon footprint than any climate change evangelist. But for now, it even has a Gandhian approach to sabotage; before a police vehicle is burnt, for example, it is stripped down and every part cannibalised.
Should I write a play, I wonder—Gandhi Get Your Gun? Or will I be lynched?
Now look at the leaders of the CPI(ML) , Vinod Mishra , a Brahmin , as Svarna as it can get .
Vinod Mishra (Hindi: विनोद मिश्रा; 24 March 1947 – 18 December 1998) was an Indian communist politician. Mishra served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation between 1975 and 1998. Vinod Mishra was born to Suryakesh Mishra in Jabalpur. The family moved to Kanpur in 1955. Mishra studied at Adarsh Banga Vidyalaya Inter College. Later he graduated from Kanyakubja Degree College and was admitted at the Christ Church Degree College for post-graduate studies in Mathematics. He went on to study at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Regional Engineering College in Durgapur in 1966.
Mishra became associated with a group of leftwing students, who soon developed linkages to the AICCCR. Mishra led student rallies and a campus strike. By mid-1969 he had become a professional revolutionary.
[Speech at a seminar on Mao organised by the West Bengal state committee of the Party in Calcutta on December 26, 1993. From Liberation, February 1994.]
By Comrade Vinod Mishra :
In the beginning of the decade of the ’70s Calcutta walls were filled up with a strange slogan; "China’s Chairman is Our Chairman". Young people in their thousands voiced this slogan as the symbol of revolutionary defiance.
While building socialism in China Mao opposed blindly copying the Soviet model. He opposed the imposition of the Soviet Party as a super-party and, most importantly, he opposed the super-power status of the Soviet Union. He had repeatedly emphasised that a socialist country—no matter how strong it became—should never assume the airs of a super power, should never interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and should not occupy other countries by sending armed forces.
When the Soviet Army was roaming around from Eastern Europe to Afghanistan under the pretext of defending socialism, Mao resolutely opposed this super-power attitude and said that if a socialist country starts behaving like a superpower its socialism no longer remains genuine socialism.
In 1968 when we embarked on the path of revolutionary politics in college life, we had used the word Chairman Mao in the editorial of the college magazine. There were only four or five of us in those days. The reactionaries organised many students and burnt our magazine Vanguard. We protested with the slogan "Mao is the great leader of world revolution".
Later on, when arrested, we were mercilessly beaten up for possessing Mao’s books. In jail, somehow I managed to smuggle in Mao’s Selected Writings and everyday I would read it myself and translate it for the benefit of other comrades in jail. This was my favourite task in those days.
In 1979 when I reached China across the mountains, the de-Maoisation process had just begun there. We visited all the important places of the Chinese Revolution and had intimate talks with veteran peasants as well as many other people. We had developed the feeling that the Chinese people and the broad Party ranks have great faith in and respect for Mao and Mao can never be erased from China.
Standing before the body of Mao lying in state, I whispered to myself: Chairman Mao, you shall remain our Chairman for ever – though not as China’s Chairman, but as our guide to the path of Indian revolution.
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