Some years ago friend went for an IIT interview for a teaching position in a white khadi dhoti and kurta. And was rejected.
Shyamala Sanyal IIT failed.
Aparna Krishnan I
was in US for a year working out of my 3 years in 'job' after studies,
before I retired. There seeing every Indian try to look more american
than the american in dress and accent, my dress veered to the saree, and
my accent became more tamil ! the educated indian is quite hopelessly
Aparna Krishnan I have grown to like accented English. Tamil accented, Bangali accented, Malyaali accented.
Naveen Manikandan Periasamy Also,
not to mention the plight of the ABCDs. Brought up by Indian parents
speaking their native tongue, but picks up only yank english from fellow
schoolkids and detests those rare visits to India for reasons as simple
as lack of toilet papers.
Aparna Krishnan i dont even think of them much. i rue our city children who despise villages as 'backward'.
Aparna Krishnan Every
single assumption has to be questioned today. Every conditioning has
grown very very deep. Especially where we reject ourselves and our
cultural identities.
Palanivelu Rangasamy In our country, the educated elites are incorrigible slaves.
Sukumar Mukhopadhyay Slaves of whom?
Aparna Krishnan of westernisation, and of western theories. matched by a contempt for things indian.
Sukumar Mukhopadhyay Aparna KrishnanWhat
about the theories of Hegel, Marx and Keynes and Schumpeter and Arrow
and Picketty? Do you throw away Aristotle ? Jean Paul Sartre? In
medicine what about the latest method operation of huge prostrate which
the West has invented? Even Homeopathy
some people consider as unscientific both in India and abroad but it
is practised in France, Australia (not Germany) and many countries
throughout the world. I have seen Indians and ABCD in plenty but
they are very good. Since you
have passed from Indian Institute of Science, I am ready to discuss with
you , if you agree. But you have to be patient and not cut short
Aparna Krishnan IISc
is part of my ancient past, abd very irrelevent. My only real context
and paradigm is a village. Also i am not very widely read. i have read
limitedly, but have thought about those as I have had time. i would put
my primary texts as the Gita and Gandhi. I know nothing of economics.
yes, I know ayurveda is some detail.
Aparna Krishnan I
also have far greater respect for my illiterate village neighnours'
wisdom that for all that IIT and IISc have to offer. They are OK in
their place, i guess.
Sukumar Mukhopadhyay Aparna Krishnan--All
types of knowledge have their respective places. I tried to cure my
osteo- arthritis by going to the best of Ayurveda practitioners and
could not get cure. I tried homeopathy with the best known doctor. Only
western educated orthopedist is curing
me. On the other hand when I had back pain , the orthopedists could
not cure me. But Yoga did. So everything has place in life. Ii is not
wise to discard something just because you think some Indian aspects of
thinking are valid. Sure they are. But if you read only Gita and
Gandhi,for your guidance, then, I am sorry to say, your thinking will
remain very limited. Please enlarge your knowledge. I have read Gita and
Gandhi but that is not all. Gandhi has many defects which you can see
if you read it scientifically.
Aparna Krishnan My
thinking was widened beyond all expectations by Eashwaramma and
Annasamy Anna and others - all of them technically illiterate
:). So there is no need to feel sorry for me !

Aparna Krishnan That
little bit of knowlege that gives the power to live a life of
integtrity and deep honesty is all that matters in my understanding. I
do not seek many theories and analyses. I did that in my youth. Then
became wiser ...
Sukumar Mukhopadhyay Aparna Krishnan
--If you had told me earlier that you had read also Eashwaramma and
Annasamy Anna and others, I would not have said what I am supposed to
have said, though I have not actually said what you thought I had said.
Palanivelu Rangasamy Sukumar Mukhopadhyay
In our side there is a saying: "The dog having two masters died of
starvation". You have asked, "Slaves of whom?" They are slaves to lot
many things and so their fate is like that of the above mentioned
proverbial dog. Here "Slave",
"Starvation", etc. are symbolic references to the current state of mind
and retarded thinking. My argument is just to say that our mind and
consequently the thinking process is not free. You have referred to lot
many stalwarts: Aristotle, Hegel, Marx, Keynes, Schumpeter, Sartre,
etc., etc. My God! Just tell me! Was any one of them against liberty,
freedom and freethinking? By living borrowed life, not just our own
tradition, we have insulted these western masters too. Their dream was
not to convert every human being an automaton (a slave obviously).
Aparna Krishnan And Sukumarji,
in the list why was Dharampal not mentioned. His facts and
understanding is what is most needed for the Indian paradigm. Or the
Mahabharatha on whose tenor the understanding the indian villages live
out their lives. This is the enslavement I speak of. Rooted and
understanding these, we can also understand every thought from every
corner of the world. But not rootlessly.
Sankalp Patil Those
Indians working in other countries (me included) are absolutely doing
fine and living luxurious, happy and satisfied lives and obviously they
need to work 9 hrs a day for that. What's the big deal? Slaves and
forgetting culture and modernisation and westernisation and bla bla bla.
Palanivelu Rangasamy This
is what Marx called as "False Consciousness"; using someone without
giving them the hint that they are being used. This is perfectly so with
corporate sector. Forget about all these bla blas like culture,
westernisation, modernisation, etc. Do we realise our own being? The
moment you say that you are fine with western kind of luxury, happiness
and satisfaction, you have already drowned in the swamp.
Sankalp Patil 'Own
being' ... I guess this leans towards the spiritual side of things. I
was making a comment from a more material, everyday point of view.
Palanivelu Rangasamy Not just spiritual. Knowing oneself is pure pragmatism.
Sankalp Patil In
India I get paid peanuts for working 10 hrs a day, living in a crowded
Mumbai, away from my family for my job. There is no peace once out of
office also, the streets are not clean, the buses/trains are heavily
crowded, I need to share a 1bhk with 2 other
people so that the rent gets shared. Since I moved to Saudi, I realised
how important is it to have peace outside, once out of the office it
helps mind stay calm. I find ample time for gym, swimming, watching my
favorite series online and do a lot more things I couldn't do while in
Palanivelu Rangasamy I do agree with you to some extent Sankalp Patil.
But here also people get paid enormously. The top boss in my last
office was paid 4.5 lakhs per month (note it, not annual package). It
was way back in 2010. Yes, ours is one of the densly populated countries
(in 2014 around 426 people per square km). But see Singapore which has a
population density of 7814 per square km for the same period. How they
are able to make strides and get world attention? Whether we should
follow their model is a different question altogether. What matters in
any country is the commitment in the level of rulers and the citizens.
We lack commitment in both the levels.
Palanivelu Rangasamy Slavish
mindset is the fundamental dimension in our psyhe that prevents us from
feeling for our country. My family may be poor, but I just can not dump
it and run away to greener pasture. I have to take my family too along
with me. Country is like an extended family. Unless and until citizens
start having such attachment to the society, it is difficult to solve
our issues.
Sankalp Patil I
understand your viewpoint, but sending money from here to India is the
best service I can do to my country right now. All those who work in
foreign countries buy the flats and houses in Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad,
Chennai, Banagalore and keep the economy
running. I think this is the best way to serve India at this moment,
especially since I am in software field. Another doctor friend of mine
chose to work in India, he had the option to work outside, in his
profession we can understand why he did so. Btw, to get paid 4.5 lakhs
per month in India as you said in the example, you have to be from
IIT,IIms or you can dream of that after 20-30 years of slogging

Palanivelu Rangasamy Buying
flats and houses in Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore and
keep Indian economy running? Great way indeed! Bring few people
together, pool in part of your earning, adopt a village and see to it
that that village blooms to new heights. Will it not be much more sane
way of participating in the economic process of your mother land? These
are all my feelings and understandings. Just brood over.
Aparna Krishnan
:) i appreciate that you even responded to that Palanivelu Rangasamy !

Palanivelu Rangasamy It
is nobody's fault. A generation in our country has not been helped to
grow up with social concern and real patriotism. So the fault lies with
the parents too. Day in and day out they were made to believe that there
is nothing beyond economic success by
any means. I am sure the other side, I mean the friends from other
shores (also the dynamic youth who stayed back in the country) will
actively participate towards the re-emergence of this great country.
Sankalp Patil There
is no way we can earn enough to lift 1.2 billion lives unless the money
comes from outside. Nobody will pool a part of their earning unless
they have more than enough themselves. It is unjust to expect so under
the guise of social concern and patriotism.
And by the flats statement I meant that inflow of foreign funds is what
keeps the country runnin and that is the economics of India which is
linked to the economics of the world which is not going to change,
whether you want to accept or not. May be Aparna
can help a few eashwarammas by charity from friends, if all
eashwarammas have to prosper, they have to find their place in this
Aparna Krishnan Excuse
me, Eashwaramma only wants a part in the economy. And that is all I
desire too. In times of drought charity has a place too. And for giving
them a place in the economy, we need to come together to put their needs
to sell also at a priority - that is a moral position. And morality is
not a bad word - I hope.
Palanivelu Rangasamy Sankalp Patil
It is a total collective responsibility, neither an individual nor a
group can do it. 'Having more than enough' is not a concrete definition.
You know very well about the need and greed of human mind. By the way,
this country does not survive because of
foreign fund, but shouldered by the faceless millions who consume the
least and contribute the most. Most of the educated think that this
country survives because of them. Rather they are the real liability.
'Economics of the world is not going to change': Look into the history.
Has anything remained without change? The current economic paradigm will
also go. If the change comes by itself, it will be violent. Otherwise,
if we bring it in, it is possible to avoid that violence.
Sankalp Patil But
the change has to come on its own demanded again by the nature of
economics. Example today india is the service provider of the world,
tomorrow it can be Brazil if they have skilled people at lower costs.
The changes you and Aparna suggest are idealistic
and I do not believe something like that will ever happen on the basis
of goodwill alone. Morality is definitely a good word Aparna, but we
cannot make a system based on morality , for its vague and subject to
different interpretations. We are past the "we can bring in" the change
society, sorry. We are corrupt n self centered beyond repair.
Aparna Krishnan Please let each person speak for themselves. one may chosse to be self centred beyond repair. Or one may choose to repair it.
Palanivelu Rangasamy Sankalp Patil
Systems can survive only when there is morality. Morality is not a
frill to do away with. This is the core around which any society has to
evolve, otherwise violent collapse is inevitable.Whatever may be the
intensity of problems, nothing is beyond redemption.
Palanivelu Rangasamy Aparna Krishnan
Anyone can repair oneself, but their should be a realisation that
something has to be repaired. This realisation is fundamental.
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