Friday, 1 September 2017

Vessels for Annadaanam


My friend asked for a annadaanam to be done in the village. I asked her to put the money in Munishwari's account, and that they would withdraw it. The village people asked me if they could use the money to buy vessels for bulk cooking, so that they need not keep borrowing them at a rental cost when needed. They said that it would be village property.
I passed the request back to my friend, as a sincere messenger. She agreed willingly, and I conveyed that back. Today, 2 days later, I get an email from the computer of a friend in another village. The village people have gone as a group - Balaji, Chandra, Anandanna and Chinakka - to Kallur, made the purchases, taken photographs with someone's cell phone, and then gone to the other village to email them down to me !
Image may contain: indoorI had told them that my friend had asked for some sweets to be bought als as it was an annadaanam. The red basket seems to have some ladoos that they will distribute, one per person. Or probably one per family seeing the small size of the basket.
Over years I have learnt to completely trust village decisions and integrity. The decisions are usually practical and collectively taken.
Paalaguttapalle (Dalitwada)

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