summarizing from another thread - where the liberal and progressive
moral police took on the immorality of 'imposing Sanskrit on Indians'.
And explaining why I am now entering the ranks of moral police, on my
own terms of morals. Each of us is answerable to society to present,
stand by and defend our conception of morals - honestly and deeply
thought out.
I hold no brief for this government - or for any government. A State is top heavy and authoritarian, and were the gram swarajya model possible, it would be a different debate. Having said that - I would like to stick to just the issue. Our country has ended up in a state where it despises itself (shown by the overt and covert respect given to him who can speak English fluently, and stumbles over Tamil, compared to him who stumbles over English, and is well versed in Tamil.). That is a deep crisis that we need to face and address urgently and in all ways. A country that does not value itself (and that includes its heritage, its present mores, everything) is lost and defeated.
I hold no brief for this government - or for any government. A State is top heavy and authoritarian, and were the gram swarajya model possible, it would be a different debate. Having said that - I would like to stick to just the issue. Our country has ended up in a state where it despises itself (shown by the overt and covert respect given to him who can speak English fluently, and stumbles over Tamil, compared to him who stumbles over English, and is well versed in Tamil.). That is a deep crisis that we need to face and address urgently and in all ways. A country that does not value itself (and that includes its heritage, its present mores, everything) is lost and defeated.
I suspect when
things swing to one insane extreme, as they have done today - with
western clothing, language, mores being preferred over all things native
- society will swing to the other extreme as a reaction. maybe we need
to watch that also. Meantime introspecting and correcting in sane and
deep ways, so as to control the takeover of the swing by the rightwing
If we wish to simply react to everything, and reject, we can sit talking to the winds.
A young village mother (Paalaguttapalle, Dalitwada) brings up her three children on 1000/- p.m. there are city youth in Chennai who blow up 20,000/- in a night club. Since I heard of this, I am all for heavy handedness and closeing of such clubs. I am all for such 'autocracy'. I am all for moral police. Do you see - when things swing to insane extremes such as this, a society (and I) react violently.
If we wish to simply react to everything, and reject, we can sit talking to the winds.
A young village mother (Paalaguttapalle, Dalitwada) brings up her three children on 1000/- p.m. there are city youth in Chennai who blow up 20,000/- in a night club. Since I heard of this, I am all for heavy handedness and closeing of such clubs. I am all for such 'autocracy'. I am all for moral police. Do you see - when things swing to insane extremes such as this, a society (and I) react violently.
Gutta Rohith Valuing
Sanskrit is Valuing our country? Before giving these heavily loaded
statements, we should mention our position from which we are giving
these statements...It is 'Valuable' only for those highly 'Invaluable'
Brahmins...But what about us?
Aparna Krishnan Ayurveda
is extremely effective as a medical system. It has benefitted the
village I live in (a dalit hamlet - and I hope that satisfies the most
virulent anti-casteist) very substantially. And if mainstreamed can
benefit the country vastly. Sanskrit is needed to understand the texts
Aparna Krishnan I hope medicine is secular enough as a subject.
Gutta Rohith A
country that does not value itself (and that includes its heritage, its
present mores, everything) is lost and defeated./// Just wondering what
it means,
Aparna Krishnan Look
around. A person speaking good English, and broken telugu is superior
to a person speaking poor English and good telugu. How many wear Indian
clothes, and how many western. I suspect it will be very different in
arab countries, and countries which were never colonized. Simply look
around - and then you tell me Rohith.

Gutta Rohith a
dalit hamlet - and I hope that satisfies the most virulent
anti-casteist/// It actually shows the casteist society, and the
castesim we had internalized.Romanticizing villages is now replaced by
romanticizing Dalit lives.Once upon a time villages were
the objects of amusement and now Dalits have successfully occupied that
position.At the end of the day, it all comes down to considering Dalits
either as 'Victims of Karma' or as 'Objects of Fun'. Never shall we
agree that the so called Sanskrit and its caretaker-Hinduism- is
responsible for all this.
Aparna Krishnan I
see the vast goodness and generosity they practice and respect the, I
see the deep poverty and loss of livelihood and I question the polity,
the government and us elites. I have lived as a neighbor and a friend
with them for 15 years, and have no interest
in defending the accusation that they are objects of my amusement. We
can continue a discussion off this thread, and I will be glad to engage.
I will not post on this thread now when the tone of engagement had
Gutta Rohith When
you talk about 'Local' languages, i completely agree with you. In fact,
i had a bad reputation of being language chauvinist. But Sanksrit is
not any 'Local' language. When i say 'Local' language, i mean the
language of masses. Sanksrit was never so.
It was always the language of the ruling classes ( which is a
parasite), the aides of Ruling Classes (Brahmins) who had maintained
their power and hegemony by excluding the masses from even learning the
language;forget they too mastering the language.
Aparna Krishnan OK
- this is on languages. The discussion on Dalits we will keep aside.
Vernaculars are very important. Sanskrit has one importance of being the
repository of vast knowledge. I will speak personally for Ayurveda,
There is much more. Also much cultural inheritance, the Geeta itself,
but as that may again take the discussion on a tangent - we will stick
to 'medical systems'.
Gutta Rohith They
are very good, generous, practical and all the good adjectives that
exist in English. This is what i mean by Romanticizing. They are also
Humans like everyone of us. They are also prone to many vulnerabilities.
But, while talking about oppressed communities
(be it colonial states, Dalits, Oppressed sections and aboriginal
communities), the discussion should take into account the Historical
Injustice executed to them by the ruling classes.By deliberately
ignoring all these issues and completely focusing on an 'Individual' as
the center of Discussion, is nothing but romanticizing the community and
thereby confining them to 'Objects of Fun'.
Aparna Krishnan There
is far greater generosity in the poorest sections than in middle class.
I stand by that. When rice is running out, they are able to give to
every mendicant who asks. I think it is time to stop only seeing them as
'oppressed' and 'depressed', and also see their vast strengths.
Aparna Krishnan Of
course they are criminally poor and undernourished and shorn of
livlihoods. Who's denying that - and that has to be answered as the
first priority of the country. But when the moral strengths of village
communities are related, why does it become 'romanticizing" ? Are we too
insecure to see their strengths ? Can we only see they as 'oppressed
and suppressed' and us as the 'deliverers' or as 'activists' ?
Gutta Rohith Gondi,
Santhali, Munda, Bodo, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam,Kannada, Marathi,
Jharkhandi, Assamese, to that fact any language had/has great repository
of vast knowledge. Why don't we teach Gondi (Considered as Mother of
Dravidian Languages) in Schools? The knowledge
in Sanksrit might be the knowledge of the Individuals who wrote those
knowledgeable texts, Whereas the knowledge in these languages is the
knowledge of the whole community. In any way, Sasksrit represents a
cruel Monopolistic language. Why Geeta?; The text written by the ruling
classes. In the previous post, you were talking about the greatness of
the oppressed sections. Paradoxical!! Let us start teaching (first of
all let us read) the sub-altern texts.Let us start worshiping Ravana,
Mahishaasura and other sub-altern and true leaders.
Gutta Rohith I
completely agree that there is far more generosity in the poorest
sections. I see them as the 'Strength'. I consider myself as someone who
is learning everyday from their strength, which is derived from their
relentless fight against this cruel Brahinical
society. At the same time, by conveniently ignoring the Injustice we
are successfully diverting the topic from Rights to Responsibilities.
This is the same argument which is regularly used by Anti-Reservation
crusaders. They use it in a raw form. Here it is being used in a refined
Gutta Rohith I
am seeing so many contradictory statements here. On one hand, you say
that we should learn Sanskrit to equip ourselves with vast knowledge.On
the other hand, you agree that the oppressed people are more than the
'Receivers'. When it comes to Sanskrit, i
am not able to find any argument similar to this. Selective usage of
Morality leads to nothing,but collapse of whole society. Why is only
Sanksrit a subject of vast knowledge and not others? Why are the masses
only 'Receivables' of this knowledge,who other wise had their own
knowledge systems?
Aparna Krishnan I
think this is not anymore a discussion for a common search for truth.
Vada as it is called. This is Jalpa, and I will now withdraw from this
thread. I will be most happy to engage on a 1-1 basis, or to meet and
discuss which is always the best.
Gutta Rohith I
am not in search of any truth in this thread.. The whole time is spent
on countering such false notions, which are very much deep rooted and
are being propagated as ultimate truths. On a lighter note, the Sanksrit
words Vada and Jalpa can be avoided and the synonyms in Telugu/Tamil
can be used...

Claude Alvares Aparna you write for me as well. Thanks.
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