Tuesday, 28 November 2017

The 'Urban and Educated Saviour'

Who are the 'educated' to be deciding for Indian women on what are the superstitious beliefs which need to be uprooted. If the woman wants to avoid temples on certian days, I would leave it to her. So long as it is not forced. And it is certianly not forced in my village.

The people of the villages are as capable and clear thinking as a city degree holder, and some more. 

They do not need the degree holders to come and tell them in what ways they are conditioned. 

If only the 'educated' could grant that they do not have a monopoly on sense. 
Mohammad Chappalwala Like most white savior plots, the ad is all about having a huge emotional experience about Brown victimhood that urges European descendants to take up the moral duty to save the oppressed from their oppression. It is founded on a white egocentric myth that there is something that Brown people must need that only White people can give them.

In this colonial fairy tale Brown people can only be conceived as passive objects in need of white care, not active agents that might outright just reject white rescue missions.
Mohammad Chappalwala We could have a 'Urban and Educated Saviour' problem
Aparna Krishnan Certianly.

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