Saturday, 9 December 2017

2014 - 2017. Some things fell in place

2017 Dec

Looking back, over the years some things have fallen in place. The ayurvedic pharmacy run by Eashwaramma has improved the health of many. Eashwaramma herself is well under the care of Ayurveda.

The children are very well with milk and ashwagandhadhi. The neighbouring school children are also well as the teacher requested for it, and a friend has been funding it. Many children in many other places have recovered health as the word spread, and many others also locally initiated it. 

Eashwaramma's granddaughter working hard to join nursing after her 12th. Her grandson Sasi steady now after a turbulent adolescence.

Sukanya now settled well as a nurse.

Livlihoods are falling in place with the bags enterprise of the women.  They have skilled themselves well, and people are getting to know of them.


2014 Dec

"Scouted around for eashwaramma's kids - nothing was very suitable.
Finally persuaded an older working boy to mentor Sasi, her grandson, academically and otherwise. Will pay him based on his delivary. Next month will assess.

Eashwaramma is very debilitated post chikunguniya - troubles seem to attract troubles. She is having the ayturvedic medicines to rebuild health, but takes painkillers daily. When I pontificate on the evils of painkillers, she patiently answers me ... " if I could just sit down, I would simply take your medicines. But I have to collect fodder for the cow, graze it ... and only the painkillers let me move'"
... I have no answers to the problems of griding poverty."

Just back from the village.

Sukanya is busy with her re-acquired student status, doing her nursing course, with Mary's support. The principal told us that the girl had requested permission to work in the hospital as a nurse at nights so that she could continue earning. The principal refused, and told her that this was a fulltime course. Thus we discovered that the giving up earning for two years is a sacrifice that the mother and daughter have made. She never told me about it. She is only grateful for the opportunity that has come her way to study and get better employment.

In the village the troubles continue, under employment, excessive health costs.

Looked for school alternatives for Eashwaramma's grandchildren, Sasi and Kavya. But nothing suitable worked out. So they will continue in the same school, and have asked an older boy to mentor Sasi , academically and otherwise. Will pay him. Next month will assess.

Eashwaramma is sadly debilitated post chikunguniya, given her prior state of malnourishment. She is having the ayturvedic medicines to rebuild health, but takes painkillers daily. When I pontificate on the evils of painkillers, she patiently answers me, "If I could just sit down, I would simply take your medicines. But I have to collect fodder for the cow, graze it. And only the painkillers let me move'" ... I have no answers to the problems of griding poverty.

Health costs are skyrocketing and have to urgently establish a local drugs based ayurvedic clinic.
I suddenly developed a fever and not having my ayurvedic medicines at hand, collected the Tinospora cordifolia creepers and made a decoction and had it. The fever lgot addressed. The people now are convinced.

I also went with Eashwaramma to dig some Satavari roots. She swears by its potency since she started them on our doctor's advice. Given her words,  others have also started using it. This is also a major ayurvedic drug, easily available locally. It addresses anaemia, menstrual disorders, bleeding piles, epilepsy, enhances lactation and is an excellent tonic for children. Now that local people have started using this they also swear by it. Once it is valued, people harvest the roots carefully so that the plant survives.

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