Amarnath called up from the vllage. 'Madam, I have kidney stones. What should I do ?"
He had had a scan taken, when he went to the doctor with a severe back pain and urination problems. The scan showed that he had a 10mm stone. That is a big stone. He was told to get operated on.
He wanted to avoid an operation.
I told him to immediately start on a decoction of palleru and palpindaaku. Both would be growing plentifully in the village now. The first is a primary medicine in ayurveda for all urinary complaints including stones. The second is the best medicine for stones, and the Sanskrit name Pashana Bheda itself means Stone Breaker. And also to apply Dhanwantram Tailam liberally on the hip and sit in a tun of hot water boiled with leaves like tamarind and castor.
I said I would get the other medicines after consulting with Dr. Girija and send them down. Dr. Girija, seeing the size of the stone, gave him many medicines. Veeratharadi Kashayam, Chandraprabha, Goksuradi Guggulu, Vastiyamayanthaka Grutham. In addition to the above kashayams. I got the medicines and sent them with Nagesh after confirming with Amarnath that he would use them. As the medicines cost came to many hundreds,
Anarnath sent this photo to confirm the local herbs. His beautiful daughter is posing with the herbs !
Palleru – Tribulus terrestris (L), Nerinjil mullu (Tml), Goksura (S)
Pithiki poo/ Paalpindaaku - Aerva lanata (L), Sirupeelai (Tml),Pasana bheda (S)
Pithiki poo/ Paalpindaaku - Aerva lanata (L), Sirupeelai (Tml),Pasana bheda (S)
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