Thursday, 4 January 2018

The Deracinated and Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a complete system that treats every condition from basics. The paradigm is completely different from other systems.
One mark of #Deracination is to ask for ayurvedic treatment to be validated in allopathic parameters.

Cowdung is medicinal, cow urine in medicinal. As per ayurveda, and as per local village practices.
One mark of #Deracination is using the word 'bullshit'.

Aparna Krishnan
4 January 2015 at 21:47 ·
I am aghast at the braying that is going on about 'vedic surgery'. The deracinated educated of this land have the deepest disdain for every aspect of our civilization, and are only capable of dismissing its deepest learnings.
Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga hrudaya have detailed these surgical processes n total precision.Every shlokam in the ayurvedic texts has stood its test in the hands of one of the best practitioners of the system with whom I have been closely associated for twenty years now. Conditions incurable in allopathy have been resolved including 'genetic disorders' like SLE, conditions like haemophilia, and auti-immune diseases like RA, apart from simpler conditions of so many of us who get our typhoids, malarias, coughs, stomach disorders, TB etc treated there. My own tumour was successfully addressed by the doctor.
I only wish that those who heehaw would have the rigour to study the texts, reach out to good practitioners and then make a considered and intelligent opinion. It a very superficial and unintelligent opinion that is proclaimed. If these ladies and gentlemen value the white man's opinion more, I wish they would look at some fairly rigourous documentation he has done.
Why this matters is because the same superficial opinions prevail with the opinion makers and policy makers who come from the same class of society This destroys such a vast potential that the Indian syetems of medicine have to offer. My village - one village - has benefitted so vastly since they have started engageing with ayurveda and Dr. Girija. The cures are quicker, cheaper and general health has improved.
There is a fundamental disdain for all things of Indian heritage in the English speaking section of the population. Deep seated and deep rooted. To challenge this is the urgent need we face as a civilization. To be able to return our vast heritage to learning to ourselves.
(For those who may be interested, these are some cases that I have documented with the doctor I have been associated with. To give an idea of the possibilities in indian Systems of Medicine.)

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