Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Western Questionings of Marx

 (via Sunny Narang)
The antidote to the ultra-mediocrity of the Indian Left Intellectual, Academic , Activist and Media is a good dose of Western philosophers who have ripped Marx since the beginning , and not just him , but many "Economistic" philosophers. thinkers and ideologues since ages .
All of us have been kept away from the intense discussions and movements that rose against the Capitalist and the Communist systems in the West simultaneously.
We in India have a habit of what is called a "Slave-Mentality" , we worship blindly the power-of-the-day , as we have never really "Governed" ourselves with our own Mind,Being,Soul and Heart since centuries.
Unlike Japan, China , even smaller countries like Thailand in Asia.
Or Iran in West Asia .
So if slaves you be must , then read the Western Minds at their best , for as Indians you are lazy and mediocre , 3rd best at best , copy of a copy of an original.
"Like Marx’s belief that Communism is the last mode of human life, capitalism has the same belief. In both worldviews, there is nothing other than further “progress” of a technical nature.
Both doctrines represent the “end of history.” The traditionalist, however, views history not as a straight line from “primitive to modern,” but as one of continual ebb and flow, of cosmic historical tides, or cycles.
While Marx’s “wheel of history” moves forward, trampling over all tradition and heritage until it stops forever at a grey, flat wall of concrete and steel, the traditionalist “wheel of history” revolves in a cycle on a stable axis, until such time as the axis rots – unless it is sufficiently oiled or replaced at the right time – and the spokes fall off; to be replaced by another “wheel of history.”
Marx condemned resistance to the dialectical process as “Reactionist”:
"The lower middle class, the small manufacturer, the shopkeeper, the artisan, the peasant. All these fight against the bourgeoisie, to save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class.
They are therefore not revolutionary, but conservative. Nay more, they are reactionary, for they try to roll back the wheel of history. If by chance they are revolutionary, they are so only in view of their impending transfer into the proletariat, they thus defend not their present, but their future interests, they desert their own standpoint to place themselves at that of the proletariat."
For Marx, capitalism was part of an inexorable dialectical process that, like the progressive-linear view of history, sees humanity ascending from primitive communism, through feudalism, capitalism, socialism, and ultimately – as the end of history – to a millennial world of Communism.
Throughout this dialectical, progressive unfolding, the impelling force of history is class struggle for the primacy of sectional economic interests.
Marx on "Enormous Cities" :
Marx writes that what has been created is “enormous cities”; what Spengler calls “Megalopolitanism.”
Again, what distinguishes Marx from traditionalists in his analysis of capitalism is that he welcomes this destructive feature of capitalism.
When Marx writes of urbanization and the alienation of the former peasantry and artisans by their proletarianization in the cities, thereby becoming cogs in the mass production process, he refers to this not as a process to be resisted, but as inexorable and as having “rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life.”

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