Thursday, 3 January 2019

Public Sector Banks

The SBI I go to in Chennai has now moved to the SBI Travancore premises nextdoor. A merger.
Customers of both banks now in a small space.
The place was very overcrowded, and customers were waiting in droves. But patiently. Because they saw how overworked the staff was. Attending to vast numbers.
What was striking was the pleasantness with which the staff did the work. The same smile, the same courtsey, the same small talk with some old people who wished to have an extra word.
I asked the young clerk at the counter I usually go to, while i was waiting for her time, "Have you eaten ?". It was past 2. She smiled and shook her head. When i asked her how long they stay, she said it gets past 7 these days, and still work stays pending.
The young manager also equal in his pleasentness. Carrying the heavy overload lightly on his shoulders.
The simple people of this land, invisible people, who keep it ticking. Against all odds.

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