Getting late. An auto to the bus terminus. Ola.
As we passed the Pamban Sivan Koil, "Is that a temple ?" The young driver
asked, as he bowed his head. Slowing the auto for a few seconds.
"Yes, Pamban Sivan Koil."
"Oh, Sivan Koil"
"Illa. Oru Siddhar."
He was happy. Divinity is divinity. Just as in my village.
Then we got talking. How Ola works. He wanted to explain. "We get rides. But Ola takes away 20/- to 25/- rupees for every 100/-. I have to work continuously to make return s. It is much better when I get rides on my own. But this is more assured ...
It was not this bad initially. In the beginning to capture the market, they took only a small commission. Or would even pay us. Now it is very bad. They pay us lesser and lesser. "
As he dropped me off, he said, "Wait. Just see. The Ola commission will show now." It flashed on his phone. 12/-. For a 49/- fare that he took from me.
He smiled and thanked me. What for, I wondered. For listening ?
Capitalism. Cannibalism. They rhyme. I thought.
It's a killer world. Out there.
Big fish eat small fish.
And Ola is not even a fish !
Now see the difference - What was freedom. Auto wants to charge ₹100/ or ₹150/ foe the same ride with hard negotiation with same customer.
Now mediator / aggregator gets more and this Auto to paltry.
Customer wins! [Now]. Not too long he will be conned as well.
1. What is a 'fair price' for a ride ? As we discuss 'hard negotiations'.
Is it dictated by market ? Or is it decided by what allows his to live in a good house, and feed and educate his children well ?
I see. Irrespective of whether the auto driver s children stay malnourished or not in that.
Happy to differ completely with you here.
I have seen ups and downs with Auto very well at Chennai.
It's also not fair to charge "high" when someone wants to go in urgency.
Let's start at the beginning. A very good place to start.
Their life versus ours. Do they manage to feed their families well, educate their children well.
If not what rate will enable that.
Do we know ? Do we care ?
Aparna Krishnan
That I completely agree. Caring about family has come down. Although we have conversation with them sometimes, many occasions, it was strictly biz.
Same was to me too. My employer care for my skills which help them make money!
Selfishness to core, yes!
When the other party is on the edge of survival, and we make a moral point of their 'overcharging', without enter ing the difficult territory of why they are on the brink ...
I am sorry, it's a wrong starting point.
Our employers dealing with us is different from us dealing with someone struggling to survive.
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