Anita speaking on stage.
National Workshop on "Role of Women Entrepreuners in Economic Development of India"
Tanuku, 27th, 28th February.
before a very large audience.
It's a long step from Paalaguttapalle Dalitwada, to this National Conference on Women Entrepreneurs. Taken with the simplicity, humility and confidence. That only they can.
Lavanyas Power point Presentation

I got a call from Dr. Neeraja, principal of a college in Vizag.
To say that there is a UGC Sponsored Two-Day National Level Workshop on "Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Economic Development of India” And that they wanted me as a resource person.
I explained to her that I was not the person they needed. That they needed to hear the women who have actually got the enterprise off the ground a flying.
Starting from an assetless reality, when the only option of agricultural labour was also foreclosing. How they got their act together to build up step by step with commitment and persistence an enterprise that has been including more and more women. An effort which has got them appreciation and admiration from customers far and wide. And laurels from the media.
That the entire effort was theirs alone, and that we are some friends who have been assisting them a little in our spare time.
I gave the phone to Roopa who was there. The principal cordially invited her.
The women in the village are now discussing who two will travel to Vizag and present their story.
As it in Andhra they are confident as Telugu will take them through. I also explained to them that even if the other professors there are all talking in English and with computer presentations, they need to simply speak in Telugu and discuss their enterprise.
They know they can. I know they can.
We, the so-called educated, the English speaking concerned citizens, have been at the helm for long decades. And the mess we have made stares at our faces. Rampant malnourishment. More than 65% of children anaemic. Obscene wealth and a killing poverty coexisting shamelessly.
And still we think we are the best spokespersons for the People ?
If I could I would hand over the Planning Commission keys to the People, lettered or unlettered. And they would do a better job for the country. Their sense, lived experience and roots makes them far more qualified to take decisions for their problems, and for the nation.
As for the #PaalaGuttaPalleBags, the team's lived experience and personal stakes makes them far better qualified to speak about the enterprise. Than us who have walked with them
They sent me the note. But it was so simple, and humble.
As the time given to us is an hour, I am now sitting with Anita on whatsapp, elaborating it. Tracing the path down the years ...
As Anitha and the others are writing her notes for the talk she has to give in the National Seminar, I am amazed at the clarity and completeness of the narration.
There was very little I needed to suggest to add on.
An important part for them is narrating about the many friends who have joined their journey at different points. And become part of the effort. The customers who became co-travellers ...

This is path breaking.

This is path breaking.
Women, landless agricultural labourers, who backs to their wall, started stitching cloth bags. Mastered quality, mastered screen printing. Built up their own enterprise. With happy customers as their brand ambassadors. A business that has grown. Steadily. Included more and more women. Down the 4 years ...
Today on stage. Describing their growth as entrepreneurs. In a national level meet. Before an audience of 1000s.
Their first time on stage. Almost the first time out of their district. From a remote village.
Theirs is a story which may yet save us, our villages, our country.
Neeraja Madam, the principal from Tanuku called just now. To thank me. For the team of Anitha, Annapurna and Lavanya and their fantastic presentation.
She said their talk in this National Seminar has the best response of all.
Women, landless labourers.
Building up with their own grit and persistence, a business. No NGO, no state support. No bank also considers them credit worthy as they have no asset to pledge.
Hair raising. The possibilities this narrative throws up.
On rural entrepreneurship.
I thanked Neeraja Madam for giving them the space. I told her that it's only them. A few of us have walked some distance with them, that's all. She agreed.
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