Sunday, 14 April 2019

#JeevaniMilk and the self proclaimed 'dalit activists'.

​There was a long twitter thread ​on JeevaniMilk which was attacked venomously by so called Dalit supporters. A few important facts came up.

1. A repeated insinuation that 'dalit children were subjected to this', despite clarification that it was going on in all communities. The proto​gonists main agenda was to show themselves as dalit saviours. In this case saving them from a health intervention that had shown tremendous effect.

2. A persistent effort to discredit it demanding 'clinical trials'. Even after it was explained that these were standard text medicines which need no such trials as per rules of GOI. And that it was being undertaken by the top ayurvedic doctor of this country.

3. Disrespect for the choices of the local community, saying they do not know to choose for their children. And implying that these dalit saviours need to make the choices for them.

4. A venomous hatred for Ayurveda. For all things local and Indian.

5. Little real concern for the children, their health, and to explore this documented and published effort as a possible way to address the severe malnourishment levels of this land.

6. A final claim of their being the leaders of half a million Dalit cadre. If this is the leadership the dalits have, they are finished.

A discussion on health interventions for malnourished children using milk / eggs / Ayurvedic tonics has been reduced to a spat that focuses on castes, historical baggage, and absolute ignorance and suspicion of the so-called 'alternate systems of medicine', with educated doctors and lawyers displaying heavy chips on the shoulder.

It started off with a pointer to the Jeevani Milk programme, in response to
Dr Sylvia Karpagam's tweet : “Addition of egg or milk can reduce stunting in children

(Excerpts of the chain, expunging many abusive comments that were offered in lieu of valid discussions.) 

Swarnalatha -


Firstly, why pick a ‘dalit’ village? Would they do these experiments with brahmin kids from urban areas? Secondly, dalit kids are not experimental guinea pigs that any random do-gooder can just go and start distributing stuff coz its free

You have been told repeatedly that different villages of different castes have requested, and after that we have started.​ And that there is no experimentation here.​
"This project was initiated in our village Paalaguttapalle Dalitwada four years under the guidance of a senior ayurvedic doctor. 
Other six neighbouringvillages, non dalit, where it is underway came and requested seeing the robust health of these kids. Only then we started there."
If you wish to portray yourself as a ​d​alit ​s​aviour, let it be with some basis. When ego takes priority over the cause, such is the case.  
(1) Which independent authority is monitoring this?
(2) Whose permission was obtained to start this "experiment"?
(3) Are our children, and I mean Bahujan like us by "our", guinea pigs?
And all the claims being made? Has it been monitored or confirmed by any independent agency competent to do so clinically?

(A) Detailed health questionnaire are filled before starting the program and after 6 weeks. In every community. The parameters are based on Ayurveda.
This is an Ayurvedic program for health and wellbeing. Run under the aegies of the most respected ayurvedic dr in India.
Many questions they aren’t answering 1.Quality of MDM 2.clinical experiment permission 3.Possible sideffects of quick fix 4.chosen village of dalit children.
Everything that's been marketed as "good for health" needs clinical trials. Show me one Placebo controlled double blinded RCT for what you're using​.

This is a standard text based ayurvedic medicine given under the supervision of one of the senior most ayurvedic doctors of this country. It does not need 'clinical trials'. 
As per rules of GOI no clinical trials are required for any classical formulation. The medicines used here are such.
Tho government of India has Ayurvedic drugs given in ayurvedic hospitals. These are medicines that are routinely dispensed there.

All the self-proclamation cannot take away the fact that whatever you have been doing is without independent proper clinical supervision/oversight. The parents aren't clinical specialists and people like you know how to misguide them. 
I advise you to have some respect for the intelligence of parents, even if some of them are Dalit, and even if you don't credit them with the same. For me their intelligence and choice and guidance of a sterling doctor counts more than tweets of their 'saviours'.

Yes, when you deny the choice and validity of the requests of parents in villages, and their choice of doctor and health care. And claim you know best.  Your value and respect for their intelligence and sagacity is clear. Good day to you sir.

Ayurveda is "bogus". Don't peddle pseudo science as "choice".
And they did not have a choice. You imposed this on them.
And that too without proper clinical oversight.
If you despise all the wisdom of this soil, you cannot be answered.
This is anchored by one of the foremost ayurvedic doctors in India. These are standard ayurvedic medicines from the texts that are routinely given to people under ayurvedic care. I advise homework.
Kindly do not peddle Brahmin wisdom as "wisdom of the soil".
And I am being polite here.
It is Brahminical. Your dismissive attitude towards our concerns are Brahminical. Just go through your own tweets. All that you have to show is a piece in @down2earthindia that you yourself have authored. Is that one go about independent verification?
Who is 'our' in 'our concerns'. The parents, the children, the doctor and I, are working addressing all the issues and questions and requests. I see little reason for all of us to be answering you here. The village people I do seeking your leadership.
A intervention that has been replicated across places by different people based in local requests is shown. Instead to seeking to see if it is valid and can benefit more children, it is dismissed as brahminical.
It exposes everyone clearly.
Yes, when you deny the choice and validity of the requests of parents in villages, and their choice of doctor and health care. And claim you know best. Your value and respect for their intelligence and sagacity is clear. Good day to you sir.
Please continue your work as a good foot soldier for western imperialist interests. And as a faithful lackey for the corporate agendas. And deny every Indian system of learning. Good luck to you.
Our concerns are not concerns? Why? Because you are a Brahmin and hence wisdom is inborn? Really now?
Yes, yours don't matter to me. The children, the parents, their needs, theit choices, the eminent doctor on board, those are the stakeholders. We don't really need you as the Leader of the peoples. They are capable, and are also not seeking you.
Interesting that the understanding and choices if the people you wish to claim to represent is so different from yours. Suggest you also listen to them even as you try to lead them from 'their darkness' to 'your light'.
The appointed you their spokesperson? 🤣🤣🤣
None of them have spoken. It is only you who have been claiming to speak for them. It is only you who have been making all claims on their behalf. Why? Divine right of Brahmin?

Like our people are fools that they choose us to represent them without the advice of Brahmans? I sit at the head of a rising Bahujan Marxist political formation with at least half a million cadres.

Now I get the personal agenda. Namaste.

Aparna Krishnan

What is the real agenda of the so called activists who wish to protest against #JeevaniMilk. Because it is Ayurveda, because the texts are in Sanskrit, and because it is 'brahminical wisdom'.

Amazed at how ego and ideologies can become greater than the people and their needs. The people they claim to be working for.

Aparna Krishnan has been successfully addressing malnourishment and anaemia in school children by providing them with milk fortified with Ashwagandha, a tried age old method prescribed by Ayurveda. She is being guided by the most sought after ayurved in India, Dr Girija. The initiative has already shown excellent results.
However there are people who prefer to slyly attack this initiative insinuating that this is an experiment on poor children. We know who these people are and what they are afraid of.
Writes Aparna Krishnan:
"What comes across clearly is minds utterly subjugated to western theories and science, hate for all that is local and Indian. And also an utter inability to place the well being of poor children ahead of their ego and ideologies. In thought word and deed.
The English speaking intellectuals of this land are the most intellectually handicapped on earth. And are simply lackeys for western imperialism and corporate interests. This holds for the mainstream and the alternative world. Very very few have managed to step into their roots, learn from the people, and then speak with the people."
I wholeheartedly agree with her.

Jagannath Chatterjee The "powerful logic" of western science is adroit statistical manipulation.
  • Aparna Krishnan Unidimensional. Reductionist. Ayurveda does not need to bow to these requirements.

Jagannath Chatterjee The basic premises of the modern medical system; the body is a machine, the body is a chemical factory; are wrong. You cannot build up a scientific system upon faulty premises. In 18th century this form of medicine disintegrated when its practioners discarded it to embrace holistic systems. It was the oil barron Rockefeller and the chemical giant I G Farben who intervened because they wanted to expand their petrochemical and chemical businesses and propped it up again. It was they with acknowledged support of Nazi doctors who weaved an illusion of science to build this medical empire that creates disease with its own interventions and gets rich by pretending to treat them. Anyone who delves into this history will also discover the real intent and agenda of modern day science which is again a propped up monetary venture that was designed to bring down the then prevalent systems so that corporate could take over. Science is a misnomer; treachery and obfuscation is a better name.

Aparna Krishnan 

Indian intellectuals, mainstream and alternative, educated on western theories, have proved to be foot soldiers for western interests ! Lackeys for western imperialism and corporate interests. This holds for the mainstream and the alternative world. Very very few have managed to step into their roots, learn from the people, and then speak with the people.
Never seen such a hatred for roots and self anywhere else.
The English speaking intellectuals of this land are the most intellectually handicapped on earth.  

Why does Ayurveda have to defend itself in allopathic parameters to modern practioners.
In the land where this ancient holistic science, of infinite power, originated. Where even intod, in the hands of a wise practitioner, cures so-called incurable conditions with ease.
  • Gangadharan Kumar But, how do we know it's not "fake", unlike "modern" medicine.
  • Aparna Krishnan An ayurvedic team alonee can assess ayurveda. And similarly for allopathy.

    Sadly the educated Indian only goes by western understandings. And seeks allopathic validation.

 On some elite 'Dalit activists' trying to prove that children should not be given #JeevaniMilk, a friend who has been part of this for long responded, "Their problem may be not Ayurveda. May be you should name it Dr.Ambedkar Bhagya scheme to keep them happy."

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