Saturday, 14 December 2019

Sukanyas wedding

Sukanya and fiance Solomn.
Sukanya, my child of many years. She was in class three when we moved to the village. Living with her grandparents. As her mother struggled to sustain her singly, working in Tirupati.
We have been part of her journey and struggles down the years. Against all odds. Unimaginable odds.
Now she is a government village nurse. And to be married to a very nice young man next week. Who is moving to her place of work. So that her work stays in place. And so that she can, as an only child look after her parents.
Journeys end in ... happiness.

This is Sukanya. One of the incredible children of our village. And one of the most beautiful children Ive known. Friend, confidant, mentor to all younger children in tje village.
The children of Paalaguttapalle face many challenges. They grow up in homes where a meal is rice and rasam.Food itself is deficient in many ways. They study in single roomed schools where one teacher teaches 5 classes. Teaching is very much below par. There are many financial problems at home. But they are among tje most cheerful children on earth.
In college when English is expected, life gets very difficult. But some of the children sustain and make it. Some of them lose in the obstacles they need to negotiate.
Sukanya studied in the village till her 10th. Her mother worked in Tirupati to earn to sustain her. Sukanya lived with her grandparents here.Then she did her ANM nurse course in Tirupati. English was a challenge, but she was a star student. But that qualification 9nly meant long hours and low pay. She did her 11th/12th by correspondence alongside a very difficult work schedule.
Then she joined her GNM nursing course. Worked thro all the difficulties cheerfully and became a nurse in Hyderabad. She was a star nurse there,with her evident dedication.
Then she tried repeatedly for a government job, and finally got selected as a government nurse in Tirupati. She was overjoyed. It meant security. And also as an only child she wanted to be near her mother in the future.
She is now on tne Corona frontlines, doing her hon with utmost sincerity and care. She has come in for a merit mention.
She is now married to Solomon, a guy as wonderful as she. He had moved to Tirupati to live with her family, to enable her work and her family responsibilities.

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