Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Schooling without Dharmam produces Bhasmasuras

Unless values, Dharmam, is in place. Unless the concept of Rinam, what we owe our country, our peoples is in place, all worldly learning is skill placed in the hands of an Arusa.
It can only create Bhasmasuras. Asuras who by their touch makes ashes of everything.
And that is the failure of every so called exalted modern school of learning. IIT or IIM or IISc or anything else. Apara Vidya, mundane learnings, without a sense of Para Vidya, spiritual learnings.
So they are worthless. Till other essential learnings of the spirit are incorporated.Ethics. Values. Answerabilities. Priorities. And courage to walk that path.

  • Sanjay Maharishi This is exactly what I've been feeling since last 10 15 years. But we live in the times of asurs.
  • Aparna Krishnan Learnings without values creates the most terrible of realities. Unbounded arrogance.

    Vidya vinayam dadathi. Knowledge is that which confers humility.

    When I see students from so called prestigious colleges showing off their college pedigree, I see how far we are from the spirit of that true learning ...

When will we call out modern education for what it is ?
The old age homes in cities are filled with old people who have their highly educated progeny abroad.
Or else the old man or woman sits in lonely magnificence at home with paid attenders. Children pursuing careers in their glory on far away lands.
In villages, and in 'less educated' spaces, and in poorer spaces, old people are looked after by the next generations. There would be issues therea, as there would be everywhere.But the duty is not denied.
Modern education uproots values of Runam, Dharmam. Debt and Duty.
With the loss of ethics as encompassed by these, the soul dies.

Is this first essential lesson taught in every college, school ?
So long as the millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor who, having been educated at their expense, pays not first attention to them. – Vivekananda

The poor and uneducated in my village keep their old with them. To send them away to an institution is unthinkable for them.
The old age homes are populated with old men and women whose progeny are highly educated and in far away lands.
Do we even see what modern education does ? The destruction of morality that comes with it ?
Do we need that education ? That does not give values and courage to live by those values ?


  • How not to conflate modern with western is the biggest challenge for us. We can be modern the Indian way. When will we collectively understand and internalise this?

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