Monday, 7 September 2020

My Rama and the Rama Mandir

Rama is one of my favourite gods. This post is to my fellow Rama bhakthas.
The government which set up the Rama temple at Ayodhya, was the same that issued that draconian lockdown which left the migrant labour force and all other day wagers to live or die. Many of them got destroyed completely, losing their small assets completely. And have no way to come back now.
That day Rama left Ayodhya and went into self imposed vanavasa in sorrow. This was not the Rama Rajya of justice for each last man he lived for.
Now with the edict that in 3 months all the poor living by railway lines will be driven out, Rama has left the country in heartbreak.
What use is the temple without the God to you all ?
These self proclaimed bhaktas of my god can relocate to USA, and make Facebook posts on greatness on their mortal leader - who built a temple but drove out my god of righteousness.
My god has gone.

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