The biggest changes happen in the quietest of ways. Like a seedling coming out of a seed. The first step to a giant banyan.
Like todays morning get together, where all communities and castes came together in memory of Naren.
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A person who straddled all people and all struggles. With love.
And whom the communists and the Gandhians considered their own.
Whom the landed farmers in their farmer struggles and the landless dalit in their struggles against casteism and poverty, both considered their own.
Today morning I got a call from one of the kids. "Madam we are going to Vaddi Katta. Today is Naren Saars birthday."
The youth of Dalitwada had organized this morning ceremony at a common point inbetween our village, Paalaguttapalle Dalitwada, and the other hamlets of the panchayat.
All castes stood together shoulder to shoulder in memory of this man who belonged equally to all.
We all need to leave when our time on this earth is over. To leave higher values behind, dreams of possibilities, dreams of justice and love.
There is no higher purpose than this.
I got a call from Chalapati, the teacher from our Dalitwada telling me that he had organised a memorial ceremony on Naren. Aparna Krishnan I was very happy to find that every years he gives away Rs. 10,000 worth of gifts to poor students. And he tries to live by the high standards set by Naren. I was touched by the warmth and affection with which he holds Naren in his heart.
Uma Shankari
Dinesh, Roopa's son told me on phone this morning. "Naren saar birthday. Cake cutting ki poothunnaamu." Onnum puriyala for some minutes 
Naren straddled worlds like only one rooted in love can
The Dalitwada youth have made put up a poster with Ambedkar and Naren in the village.
The two people they consider their ablest supporters.
Just saw a Whatsup message from one of the youth.
If Naren was there he would never have allowed this poster,
All the village youth and gentlemen have also made sure that they are in the poster !
"When paying tributes posthumously, it is common to describe a person as ‘extraordinary’. But in the true sense of the word, there are only a few extraordinary people in the world. Gorrepati Narendranath was one of them. " - Balagopal
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