Sunday, 18 October 2020

An ayurvedic doctor questions allopathy - COVID tales

 Evidence based ?

With reference to unnecessary doubts and nasty remarks made by some people regarding inclusion of Ayurveda medicine in National Protocol Of Covid-19 Management; putting forth some genuine doubts regarding the scientific approach and evidence based use of some drugs by modern medicine during these times;
- Out of the 3 research papers on hydroxychloroquine available in public domain (one of them being non peer reviewed) non provides a conclusive or concrete evidence on the drug's role as a prophylactic or even in the management of covid-19. Then why is it used so widely in the management of covid-19?
- Another drug used is the favipiravir which is eliminated through kidneys and is thus contraindicated in patients with eGFR less than 20. When Ayurved is targeted (much falsely) for causing kidney and liver failure and heavy metal toxicity in the body, why the much scientific approach and concern is seen to be lacking when using favipiravir in such a high dosage?
- Another celebrated drug remdesivir is known to cause kidney damage and ARDS. A research published in public domain states 10% of the patients who were given the injectable landed in ARDS against the 8% who were given placebo. When even a placebo is less dangerous than the drug itself why are the patients subjected to undergo the repeated dose toxicity?
Observational studies show that it is known to cause deep vein thrombosis, recurrent fever and delirium.
Dr. Swaminathan, (who is a modern medicine degree holder herself, since our dearest fellow professionals believe in calling out "their own" fraternity members for an explanation) in her interview to Bhaskar Group Of News states that it has no known role in controlling the mortality in cases of covid-19, then why the toxic obstinacy to use the same?
- What about the "scientific approach" in using methylprednisolone or dexamethasone; steroids, known to increase Blood Sugar Levels even in non diabetic covid patients?
- Raised D-Dimer is a feature seen in blood panels of many covid patients, for which the modern medicine suggests using low molecular weight heparin. Are they unaware of the thrombocytopenia and internal hemorrhage it may cause?
- Extensive use of tocilizumab and itolizumab, known immunosuppressants and which were under scrutiny and not known to have any effect on mortality control as stated by WHO panelists and the manufacturers themselves and above all increasing risk of secondary infections, was done on what kind of evidence based approach?
- The vicious circle of high flow oxygen, bipap and eventually ventilators is seen in many cases. What is the point of administering oxygen right from the initial stages of management? Is there really no other way that modern medicine knows? And what about the pulmonary fibrosis caused due to the prolonged mechanical ventilation?
- Which evidence based studies show that the patients with pneumonia are benefitted by milk, protein powders and fruit juices or air conditioning (most oftenly misused as air cooling) which are ususally a part of diet as suggested by modern medicine?
Even if the risk-benefit ratio of all these drugs is favourable why is it not stated in public domain with substantial statistics? And if empirical evidences are to be accepted for these drugs; why doesn't the same rule apply for Ayurvedic drugs? Why such chaos even for an adjuvant treatment?
What the perpetual Ayurvedeeya Siddhantas teach us is, चिकित्सा should be शुद्ध, i.e. it should be result oriented, should manage the ongoing disease, not create any further complications or disease of other sort and not vitiate normally functioning other bodily systems. And we Vaidyas today are working in a well result oriented, well documented and evidence based manner for the management of covid-19 as per the siddhantas our granthas have taught!
We were much tolerant till date to avoid creating doubt or fear in people's minds beacause that is not what we aim for in the middle of a pandemic, we ensure positivity and faith for all as one united medical fraternity.
Yes we do believe, it is the time we coexist and deal with the pandemic together and not engage in pathy conflicts, but downgrading Ayurved or AYUSH fraternity in toxic and purely egotistical intentions shall not be tolerated! If you can raise doubts; so can we. But is it really what we want? Is it really the time for petty pathy conflicts? Let's join hands saving lives and win this war against disease!
Dr. P S MD (Ayu.)

Sometimes I wonder why we spend a lifetime for a society that seems essentially self serving and indifferent.
Then I remember again that we are not fighting for a self absorbed middle class. The fight for justice is for all those who have got marginalized. And their claim on each of us is total. Those of us who have it in us to answer, answer. To our ability.

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