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Sanjeevani Ayurveda Foundation
These two ancient trunks are our medicine chest. With Ayurveda medicines - various churnams, gruthams, arishtams.
The stone shelf on the other side has the Ashwagandhadhi churnam stocks for all the Jeevani milk programme.
Eashwaramma in the green saree is the doctor in the village.
As Eashwaramma doesn't write she gets Anita, Roopa or someone else to help. She sent me this updated stock list now asking me to send medicines for 'raktam pettaedi' (anaemia) and some others as well.
I am Eashwaramma's clerk as well. I have many bosses in the village.
Eashwaramma hit her head on an iron nail in the thatched roof. She applied some turmeric. And then came over to take triphala.
Triphala is magic.
We boiled a decoction of the churnam, powder. Washed the wound with that, and then applied some Triphala over it.
These ayurvedic medicines are 'vrana shodhanam, sandhana, ropanam'. They cleanse, join and heal the wounds. No allopathic drug has these all encompassing properties.
For very bad wounds, bed sores, diabetic non healing wounds etc, a potent combination, Padika, Padikara, Kungilyam is applied. That works where all else fails.
Basic internal medicines are also given where needed.
The power of Ayurveda is immense.
Daughter had something in her eyes which kept bothering her a lot. Paining, itching.
Breast milk is the best treatment for this.
Her friend next door had a 3 month old son. She gave her a few drops in a glass. This was put in her eye and things became fine very soon.
This is the advice as per local practice. And also as per ayurveda where Manusha Kshira is extolled as best for the eyes.
In a city these simple cures are forgotten. And also inaccessible. In such situations in a city I have been at a loss on where to get mothers milk. And never managed to
Here I have always found an obliging mother.
Varalu's twins used to fall ill all the time. Cough, fevers, diarrhoea, herpes ... and their health care used to cost her 1000/- a month. Money she did not have - as she is singly bringing up three children.
On Dr. Girija's advice, she started them, and other village children on Rajanyadi churnam with honey, one of the basic, inexpensive and most effective medicines in ayurveda for children, whcih address many conditions including fevers and anaemia, and also improves immunity (bala varna pradam).
And then as she saw the health of her children restored, she made the total shift to ayurveda, and has since been anchoring it in the village, building it up with her steady engagement.
Upper stomach distention, excess burping, loss of appetite, burning.
Clear diagnosis, clear instructions.
My one main learning in the village is their complete capability. Bag works or medical care.
Have been happy to stay in the back, and help as per their suggestion and need. Only.
Eashwaramma is working miracles with just Guggulu Tikta Grutham, Dadimadi Grutham and Dhatri Loham! And Dhanwantara Tailam.
Ayurveda has to be restored to the peoples of the land.
Eashwaramma is the Ayurvedic doctor in the village. She dispenses the medicines. We have a comprehensive set of Ayurvedic medicines at home. And Eashwaramma has the Kai Raasi as they say. The healer touch. It's a combination of skill and empathy.
Yesterday she called up from the village to tell me that our cat had got badly hurt. That she was applying Triphala Churnam in the wound. It's magic for wounds. For human beings. And for cats. And Eashwaramma makes the magic more magical.
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