... "This time, he took out some papers that set forth his plans to donate an enormous sum of money to a public institution. He proceeded to write out a very generous cheque and with a beaming smile put it in front of the Vivekananda:
"Well, there you are," Rockefeller remarked smugly, "you must be satisfied now?" Rockefeller waited for Vivekananda to respond. Vivekananda was unmoved.
This irked Rockefeller even further: "Now you can thank me for it|!"
Vivekananda took the cheque, silently put it back into Rockefeller's hands and addressed him calmly: "I come from a country where the giver thanks the receiver, for he was given the opportunity to serve."
Vivekananda looked straight into Rockefeller's eyes. Rockefeller's lowered his eyes uncomfortably. Vivekananda finished in the same compassionate, yet firm tone: "No Mr. Rockefeller, It is for you to thank me."
Later Mark Twain would remark after his journey to India:
"In religion, all other countries are paupers. India is the only millionaire"
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