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Why is the farmer considered uneducated
And a college lecturer considered educated ?
In that question, is embedded every other question, asked, or unasked.
- The farmer is the most educated... they eradicate hunger.
- Amit Tiwarithen why is he considered uneducated ?
- Aparna Krishnanbecause our education system is based on english and mathematics... the more fluent english u speak.. the more u r considered educated...
- Amit Tiwariand till that is challenged everything else is an eyewash.Including 'schooling' them into English and maths !
- Aparna KrishnanI dont consider farmer, uneducated because i have been educated by humble farmers in my career. Yes, they can be taught english language and coumputer skills to market the produce in open market. Moreover, a poverty of the farmer because of deficiency in earning basket is being seen as the sign of being uneducation.
- Amit Tiwarithst brings us to another fundamental question.Why is simpler life is seen as inferior to a more consumptive life.
- God only knws, mam.... though our nation's Father lived a simple life but our generation tends towards lucrative life and in the way forgets the essence and joyness of simplicity.
- Amit Tiwaritill we find those answers, and work on those, we are just flailing in the dark.
- Thats partly why the attacks on Gandhi these days. The soul of simplicity cannot be a model in times of blind consumerism. He has to be pulled down.
- Because it is taught that knowing 4 letters is education.Going to school is education.Leaving out of father's / family's profession is growth.Consuming more is development.
- Andhuvan Dhaneshyes. A society growing up without values, roots. Religion played that role. It still does. But in so called educated communities who first learn to deride religion as unscientific, the erosion of values is very rapid.
- We confuse education with English degrees
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