Sunny Narang
)India has more than 4500 jatis and tribes and that is its deepest plurality that will never allow an universal single truth to rule.
All these intellectuals and activists are a small subjati of modernists. They are hated by globalist capitalists and liberal nationalists.
Leftists have died everywhere. Left by insisting on a western radical universalism is against the soul of left which is Basvanna Kabir Nanak.
Look at any social agent in Indic history there always is a spiritual movement associated.
Left has no soul no rasa no understanding of jati.
India did not have a "revolution" ever in its history as we are so plural.
That is what they hate as they cannot fit India in their 4-5 categories of hate.
10Ritesh Singh, Sampatt Shetty and 8 others
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- A Gandhi emerges out of innumerable individual transformations in that direction.4
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- Sunny makes a lot of sense most of the times but he needs to read more on left
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Hide 28 Replies- Mohammad I have read and known enough leftists for many lifetimes , from all varieties Gramscian to Stalinists , CPI(ML) Liberation to Trotskyists .
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- And maybe you need to read a lot more on what has been Indic systems of social transformation and change since 5000 years .2
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- Gurdwara Kartarpur Sahib - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.SIKHIWIKI.ORGGurdwara Kartarpur Sahib - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.2
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- And how republicanism and monarchy has always been in battle in India "To return to the Indian gana-sangha, the chief, also called ganapati or sanghamukhya, and the council or sabha met in the assembly hall called the santhagara. The office of the chief was not hereditary and he was elected for life. Meetings at the santhagara were probably announced by the beating of drums and there was a regulator of seats. Voting was done using pieces of wood called salakas and the collector of these votes was called the salaka-gahapati chosen for his honesty and impartiality. The gana puraka ensured the necessary quorum. Important matters were debated and decided by voting or by a consensus. There were advisers to the chief for administrative, treasury and military matters. Division of assemblies into political parties was well known as well as a division into smaller committees for specific purposes.It has been mentioned that the battle between monarchy and republicanism was fought in the Indian sub-continent between Magadha and Vaishali. Much has been said about Magadha in earlier columns and it is worth looking at the Vajji Federation, made up of a number of gana-sanghas, which had its capital in Vaishali, in greater detail. This will be with specific reference to the Lichchavis, the most powerful and important constituents of this federation.The Lichchavis formed a gana-sangha, where a considerable portion of the population was vested with the final power and ultimate authority of the state. They assembled at their capital, Vaishali, and had a council of nine nobles that was responsible to the assembly. All the members of the assembly were designated as rajas thus explaining the famous preamble to the Ekpanna-Jataka, which refers to 7707 rajas, uprajas, senapatis and bhandagarikas of Vaishali. The santhagara, where they met, was a political, religious and social centre, where decisions were taken using a political procedure similar to that described above." https://swarajyamag.com/ideas/republics-of-the-past-part-ii\Republics Of The Past – Part IISWARAJYAMAG.COMRepublics Of The Past – Part II3
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- 12 th century Basavanna 'The path given by Basavanna revolutionized the very idea of who and how people can enjoy the divine bliss. Shunning gender, age, caste, religion, and status based discrimination, Basavanna enabled all sincere aspirants to tread this path and reach great spiritual heights. Rather than confining the individual inner experience with the framework of scriptures, this path emphasized genuine experience tempered with true knowledge and right conduct. Individuals were able to cut the shackles of religion and rise to spiritual heights.Socially, this revolution shattered the shackles of tradition binding people to the prevalent social practices of discrimination and abuse. It liberated many suppressed and downtrodden aspirants and presented them with an opportunity to lead a life of dignity. It fought against the rampant oppression exciting in the society resulting from caste and gender biases. It introduced an entire new lifestyle that brought equality, hope, and prosperity to one and all. Basavanna’s revolution empowered common folks in an unprecedented manner giving them choice in their spiritual pursuits as well as social living. " http://www.basavadivinecenter.org/.../path_of_basavanna...Path of BasavannaBASAVADIVINECENTER.ORGPath of Basavanna2
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- Written in 1990 in the backdrop of mandir-mandal conflict, the drama draws parallel between the Socio-Religious Political and Economic condition of existing times and southern India in the 12th century A.D. during Bhakti Movement. Eight hundred years ago in the city of Kalyan a man called Basavanna assembled a congregation of poets, mystics, social revolutionaries and philosophers, unmatched for their creativity and social commitment in the history of Karnataka, even perhaps of India itself.They opposed idolatry, rejected temple worship, upheld equality of sexes, and condemned the caste system .But event took a violent turn when they acted on their beliefs and a Brahmin girl married a 'low caste' boy.The movement ended in bloodshed .Rakt Kalyan (Tale-Danda) deals with few weeks during which a vibrant, prosperous society plunged into anarchy and terror. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TaledandaTaledanda - WikipediaEN.WIKIPEDIA.ORGTaledanda - Wikipedia2
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- Gandhi met Narayana Guru at Sivagiri in 1925. While Gandhiji tried to abolish untouchability from within the varna system, Narayana Guru condemned chaturvarnya as against the advaita spirit. The meeting with Narayana Guru triggered a crucial transformation in Gandhiji’s approach to caste conflict.Guru organized the first-ever All Religions Conference in Asia and only the second in the world, in Alwaye in 1924 with the message: “We meet here to know and let know, not to argue and win.”We are OneNarayana Guru transformed people through compassion and a disarming sense of humor. Writes Nataraja Guru, “Manifold were the ways in which he became intimately related to the people. He was thus loved and respected as a leader within a growing circle of devotees. To come into touch with him was to be influenced by him for life.”Brahmins challenged his Sivalinga consecration at Aruvippuram, he silenced them with this statement, “I was not installing a Brahmin’s Siva, only our Siva.” Once when the guru was traveling by train, a passenger asked his caste. The guru replied that his caste was humanity. https://www.lifepositive.com/the-spiritual-revolutionary/The Spiritual Revolutionary - Life PositiveLIFEPOSITIVE.COMThe Spiritual Revolutionary - Life Positive2
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- Yes, these are the processes that can take root in this land. And have taken root ever and anon.
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- Never atheism of any kind and irreconcilable class or caste enmity has ever worked on this land . Left is out of its depth completely on this land and has never got a following except in few states for some moment in time, if any ideology is fully irrelevant in India it is the atheistic left.2
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- It cannot take root, because people are religious. And contempt of the beleifs of people can never take anyone anywhere.
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- Even in Latin America it was Christian priests who evolved Liberation theology . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustavo_Guti%C3%A9rrezGustavo Gutiérrez - WikipediaEN.WIKIPEDIA.ORGGustavo Gutiérrez - Wikipedia1
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- The Indian left has been the most irrelevant and copy-paste left in the world, no creativity or imagination rooting their left in Indic narratives. First Soviets then Maoists are their hegemonic leaders , there has never been an Indic left !
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- That is why they have no presence in Pakistan or Bangladesh . Only where Chinese funding happens as in Nepal they are there .1
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- And in India the left was always funded by Soviets and China , and then the Soviets realised the inanity and stupidity of the Indian Left and paid the Congress directly "The Soviets supplied clandestine money to the Congress and individual politicians, with up to 40% of Indira Gandhi’s parliamentarians receiving political contributions from Moscow, a recently declassified CIA says, mirroring similar assertions in highly classified KGB records leaked in 2005.The CIA’s assessment then was that the funding by the KGB gave ready access to many leaders and helped Moscow influence Indian policies. In the leaked KGB papers revealed by Mitrokhin too, India is described as a model of the KGBs infiltration in third world governments, with scores of sources across the government.“As many as 40% Congress MPs in Mrs Gandhi’s last government had received Soviet political contributions,” the report titled “The Soviets in India” reads, adding that “the Soviet embassy maintains a large reserve of rupees for various uses — including clandestine payments to Congress politicians.”USSR supplied clandestine cash to Congress party: CIA - The Economic TimesECONOMICTIMES.INDIATIMES.COMUSSR supplied clandestine cash to Congress party: CIA - The Economic Times1
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- In 1962, as the Indian army fought Chinese aggression in the Himalayas, the undivided CPI supported China, putting ideology above nation. The government threw several communist leaders in prison. VS, then 39 and a central committee member, was put in Thiruvananthapuram central jail. http://archive.indianexpress.com/.../during-china.../488983/During China war, comrades cracked down on VS for saying lets give blood to jawans - Indian ExpressARCHIVE.INDIANEXPRESS.COMDuring China war, comrades cracked down on VS for saying lets give blood to jawans - Indian Express2
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- Yes again all this analysis is fine
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- But you sound like a us president talking about american exceptionalism
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- Same with your line if reasoning sounds like indian exceptionalism
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- Again we agree on a tons of things but some are the stances are right leaning
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- And i can smell upper caste privilege
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- You are welcome to your way of viewing things , in your way I smell a "subaltern exceptionalism" that only view things from a certain view just as you claim I do. We all are situated in different experiential time-space realities and obviously will hav…See More
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- And every culture is exceptional1
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- And to put my family caste in context , we are "Aroras" refugees from what is now Punjab in Pakistan , from Jhang , which the famous centre of Lashkar e Jhangvi , the top killers of Shia Muslims
Arora - WikipediaEN.WIKIPEDIA.ORGArora - Wikipedia- Like
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- The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ; Urdu: لشکر جھنگوی) or "Army of Jhangvi", is a Sunni supremacist and jihadist militant organisation based in Pakistan with limited operations in Afghanistan. An offshoot of anti-Shia sectarian group Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), the LeJ was founded by former SSP activists Riaz Basra, Malik Ishaq, Akram Lahori, and Ghulam Rasool Shah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lashkar-e-JhangviLashkar-e-Jhangvi - WikipediaEN.WIKIPEDIA.ORGLashkar-e-Jhangvi - Wikipedia
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- And Jhang is "exceptional" , due to its tomb of Heer of Heer Ranjha fame , as without Heer Ranjha poetry there is no Punjabi culture across India and Pakistan . http://www.pakimag.com/.../heer-ranjha-shrine-mazardarbar...Heer Ranjha Shrine (Mazar/Darbar) Jhang, PunjabPAKIMAG.COMHeer Ranjha Shrine (Mazar/Darbar) Jhang, Punjab
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- So I am in combination a "Jhang" a "Punjabi" , a "Sanatan Dharmic" , an "Indian" exceptionalist
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- Guilty as charged !1
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- Thats an opinionAparna Krishnan
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Hide 24 Replies- It is an understanding of this country. Please refute in a precise manner.
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- He cannot , he is calling names already " And i can smell upper caste privilege", as you said , be precise, all he can throw are one liner gaalis
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- When any intellectual in India cannot speak honestly he throws class or caste enemy labels , I know this strategy of so-called Indian activists who come from so called left-minority-dalit mentalities from a lifetimeAparna. They are welcome to their perpetual anger and distance , but that will never change anything.
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- So how is right leaning any worse or better than left leaning ? What is so great about a left tradition that has killed tens of millions in revolutions to throw up a Napoleon or Stalin or a Mao ? And then Putin and Chinese Imperialism of Han Chinese ? You lefties will live forever as I said in a virtual vacuum delusionary world.1
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- Sunny NarangAny "ism" that believes in violence doesn't have best interests of the people. Every left moment stinks of blood.1
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- Sunny NarangYes, I am also discovering the deep problems in labels and terms (abd thereby excessive dose of theories). Yesterday a respected (I think) left activist got into a thread simply using the words patriarchal, upper class, sexuaility woven in…See More1
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- Why do you find gaalis in seeing yourself with privilege
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- Flaunting your caste is one if them
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- I dont care if you are a arora or a parora i want to see how good a human you are
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- Mohammad ChappalwalaIn my village caste is a simple label people seek to know - just like engineer/ doctor. That is why I asked you to move into a village street and stay as a neighnour simply foing your thing. You will unlearn and learn many things only them. Also the malas (SC) make fun of the Naidu meanness, and Naidus make fun of the Malas.
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- First need is the humility to face that all one has constructed may be wrong. Many who lack hat do not get a village even after yesrs of living in one. Even though 'committed activists' they also seek to #CivilizeTheNative.
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- When I was new to the village and people asked me ny 'kulam' I tried to cover up that I was a Brahmin and hid behind my husband's Lingayat label. I realized later that it was simply a positioning they seeked, and that a brahmin would have brought neither adulation nor revilement.
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- Sunny Narangi am not a communist
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- In himachal
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- Essential to live in the street, collecting water from the same well or tap, taking one's turn at the same village temple ... in order to begin unlearning ...
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- Who are Sambhaavna Trustees ? I have been there are done a workshop, disrupted all these believers , and Mr. Chappawalla what do you know of me or I , of you from textual posturing ? Just via that you can say "good person" "Bad person" , this is the pathetic understanding of those who read a few books . While at the same time being fellows at absolutely elite privileged institutions built by money from being top lawyers and deep mainstream political linked families since generations
"The Himachal Pradesh vigilance and anti-corruption bureau has recommended that the state government confiscate around 15 acres of land owned by Aam Aadmi Party leader Prashant Bhushan as the land has not been used for the purpose it was bought for.
The BJP government had in February 2010 allowed the Kumud Bhushan Educational Society, headed by the anti-corruption campaigner, to buy the tea-estate land at Kandwari near Palampur in Kangra district to open an educational institution within two years of purchase. This despite a total ban on the sale of tea gardens in the state to non-agriculturists.The Congress had objected and ordered a probe in March 2013 when it came to power." http://www.hindustantimes.com/.../story...Prashant Bhushan flouted rules, seize Himachal Pradesh land: ProbeHINDUSTANTIMES.COMPrashant Bhushan flouted rules, seize Himachal Pradesh land: Probe- Like
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- And a "privileged upper-caste" like me cannot even buy land in Himachal without being a resident
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- Take land for a school and build a "research resort"
What values ! Sources said Bhushan had first approached the then Congress government in 2006, seeking permission to buy the Palampur land to set up a school to be run by the society named after his mother. Permission was finally granted by the previous BJP government led by Prem Kumar Dhumal in 2010, but with a rider that it should be utilised for an educational institute within two years.
The land has been under the scanner for alleged violations of the HP Tenancy and Land Reforms Act 1972, which pertains to non-utilisation for its desired purpose. The Kangra district administration issued a notice to Bhushan on February 12, 2012, in this connection."http://indianexpress.com/.../cm-under-fire-in-his-pil.../CM under fire in his PIL, Himachal takes back Prashant Bhushan’s society landINDIANEXPRESS.COMCM under fire in his PIL, Himachal takes back Prashant Bhushan’s society land- Like
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- Shanti Bhushan’s total moveable properties including bonds mutual funds, jewellery and computers etc is worth Rs 2,09,72,80,000. He also submitted a table showing his last ten year’s income as shown in the I-T return where his total earnings come to Rs 1,367,172,287.Prasant Bhushan’s assets list one house at Jangpura, one flat in Delhi, agricultural land in Kandbari, Himachal Pradesh with a 285 sqaure metre house on it and one-fourth share of a Allahabad property. His moveable properties amount to Rs 2,22,50,000. http://epaper.timesofindia.com/.../TOINEW/ArtWin.asp...
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- A non-Himachali cannot buy agricultural land. Since the economy of the state is agricultural/ horticultural driven, Himachal Pradesh has certain provisions under which non-Himachal residents and non-Himachal agriculturists cannot buy agricultural land in Himachal even if you want to start your farm or build your farmhouse.Special permissions are granted by the Govt. to outsiders who intend to buy land in Himachal Pradesh. Outsiders can however buy land that is not being used for any agricultural purpose. However to buy land they would first require a prior permission from the State Government. http://www.holidayhometimes.com/himachal-pradesh-land.../Non-Himachali Wanting to Buy Land in Himachal Pradesh – Holiday Home TimesHOLIDAYHOMETIMES.COMNon-Himachali Wanting to Buy Land in Himachal Pradesh – Holiday Home Times
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- Thank you have a good life
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- Mohammad ChappalwalaI would advise some thought here. As much as institutes of modern learning do not belong to the soil of this land, so also these institutions of social science, however activist their leanings, especially if they are funded. The answer can only be found in traditional social structures, in temples, in village institutions. The answer to what process we can take further on this land.
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