22 February 2015 at 23:12 ·
Today someone blasted me for posting what they wrote (in quotes !) without 'giving credit'. When did people start thinking that what they wrote is their property. My village people tell me that what we think is because God puts that thought in our mind, thereby even surrendering credit for actions to the God.
Whatever we create is for the common good of all. Period. Patenting is the greatest perversity, and a tribute to the most self serving form of individualism.
In this country the greatest works were inscribed by sages of unknown name and ancesrtry. The profound texts of ayurveda was also written with only the good of all mankind in mind. That is clearly said in the first few verses of the Samhitas.
18Prakash Thangavel, Ritesh Singh and 16 others
- I am sorry, I don't think it is correct to make an assumption, that anything and everything is free to be used without attribution. In fact the very legacies you mention, we are supposed to use with a moment of thanks to the Rishi, if known. I think graciousness is needed in all sides, people should share freely and people should attribute and thank creators as well.1
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- The attitude of the writer is unattachment to the work. Complete unattachment. In that state of mind and being, he takes that of others also and presents, with or without a referance. It does not matter.4
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- Ego has to go. For real work to begin.
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- No we can't make that assumption for others. That would be egotistical.1
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- I present the state of mind to be worked for. Thats all.
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- Bhagavad Gita Ch 2, verse 47.
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- I don't disagree, but everyone should evolve to that state on their own speed and time. Imposing expectations would be counterproductive to that evolution.4
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- BG 18 also says "consider all said and do as you see fit", so it is upto the individual.
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- after presenting the Right Way, unambiguously.
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- Still the choice is for the individual to make.. that too is part of the Right way, unambiguously.
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- Because the individual her to make his personal path. And yet, the goal is to outgrow ego. And acknowlegements !
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- A society nurtures one way of being, or another. Patents and copyrights and royalties and awards nurture the preverse way of being. Of me and mine. Building ahankara and mamakara.2
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- I disagree, not recognizing individual initiative is to dissuade individual initiative. Ganga flows for all, but still she is Bhagirathi. If it is the graciousness of individuals to contribute to the betterment of all, it is also graciousness of others to recognize their contribution. Doing so, will encourage them to contribute even more. The other path is of communism - so far a failed economic theory in history,1
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- the greatest incentive for work is the greater good, and not appreciation.
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- actually a great work is its own incentive.
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- if communisim is failed, so is capitalism. check out the stratosphere. i look beyond 'ism's.
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- relative scale..
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- check out the ozone layer.
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- I don't think communists were any laggards when it came to building massive industries or factories.. China? both isms pollute.,.or rather all.. best we can be is pragmatic..
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- Capitalism is a little worse because its celebration of unbridled profits. But the root to be questioned is Industrilization itself.
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- Tathasthu.
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- Intellectual property rights .. my god.Any way I give a salutation at the end if I copy paste someone's post just to ensure that their ego is not hurt .
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- If they want IP over their posts, why don't they put disclaimer every time they share something? After all knowledge/information is to be shared, not to be locked up under IP. May be next time when hum ilayaraja song, I shd say it is composed by him
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- I think, I work and I think I work. First I is said to be a power creating mind and thoughts. Second I is said to be a power acting through my body and speech. The third I is the ego imagining its illusory freewill to be creator of my thought and work.When Duryodhana said as he was dying that evil actions of his body and speech were by a power that was acting through his body, Sri Krishna said so was the act of another body which dealt his body a deathly blow, an action of that same power.How one's view of oneself changes through one's life is fascinating, buit only to one flitting real time, through different outlooks in different identities.
Vikram Achreja "Intellectual property" laws can sometimes be way too much of a good thing. 

Aparna Krishnan It is a selfish concept.
Vikram Achreja No IP protection can fail to reward/incentivise and, hence stifle creativity and innovation, while too much IP protection becomes price-gouging/predatory and again stifles creativity and innovation. Calibrated IP is the way. 

Aparna Krishnan Motivation for awards produces inferior creativity. The greatest creativity has its roots in far higher understandings. The finest texts of ayurveda were produced and handed over for the welfare of humanity. Some do not even state the author's name.
Amarendra Srivastava UGK has this perfect way of declaring copyright - My teaching, if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort, garble, do what you like, even claim authorship, without my consent or the permission of anybody. –
- Worldly needs should be provided by the society, individual, community and the work should belong to everyone for free.
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- Gandhiiji's bread labour. Where each person does labour for his basic needs, and then the rest of his creativity belongs to the entire humanity.There is no getting away from Gandhi.3
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- Fukuoka said farmers had enough time to write classical haiku. Today's farmer does not have water to farm.2
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- Human nature is a mix of the sublime and the ridiculous. If we raise the bar, humanity will head one way. If we institute awards and royalties, then the other way. A society by word and deed defines its ideals. There are the yamas and niyamas. To call it coercion is to miss the point completely. Rigid theoritical positions are not useful, of individual growth versus societal growth. When an individual accepts aparigraha (non possesion), asteya (non stealing) as values, a society also gets moulded on those lines. Each forms the other. Essential values are timeless. And the economics are chosen depending on the values a civilization chooses.
AreaamtpScporainsl 18,rso 2lrfee0e20ddt ·
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"After many years of labour an inventor discovered the art of making fire. He took his tools to the snow-clad northern regions and initiated a tribe into the art—and the advantages—of making fire. The people became so absorbed in this novelty that it did not occur to them to thank the inventor who one day quietly slipped away.
Being one of those rare human beings endowed with greatness, he had no desire to be remembered or revered; all he sought was the satisfaction of knowing that someone had benefited from his discovery.... "
Antony de Mello
- I guess patenting came later. And Intellectual property rights.
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- · 52w
- IPR and patenting are the negation of ethics. As also copyright. The fall begins there.What we produce though our thinking has been nourished by the thinking of many many others, remembered and unremembered. We also can only place our our creation at the altar of the universe , silently and namelessly, and move on.
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