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We dont have a TV at home, and I feel rather illiterate on social media where many discussions focus on the antics of protogonists on TV
14You, Shyamala Sanyal, Padmini Rajaram and 11 others
- You are only missing Ravish and maybe you can catch him on YouTube
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- i think i will survive missing him also !1
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- TV protagonists are becoming policy makers or policy is being peddled through tv protagonists .. either way its the reality we in this world must live with right now1
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- reality and struggle is elsewhere on the ground. Newspapers waste less time !1
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- I don't have a TV at home, but I do catch up on you tube when necessary to unravel these antics.1
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- never had a tv, and never missed it !! my laptop sound system is damaged, so no utube also - and i enjoy the peace, otherwise called ignorance ! Actually all my village neighbours have tvs, and watch impossible serials with impossible houses in them, and dream impossible dreams !!1
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- TV, particularly the serials, drive me crazy. When I go back to my village, I walk out of the house in the evening, when everybody retires to watch insane programmes, I go and sit at the steps at the end of the garden looking out over the dark paddy fields, the railway line and the Bharatapuzha river beyond, listening to the frogs, the crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl. Its magical. People have lost the power to enjoy the sounds and smells of nature, thanks to the damn TV.4
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- Raghunandan, its damaged the fabric of society in too many ways. 20 years ago, when we first moved to the village, we would all sit out and chat into the night under the moonlight. And drift home. Now everyone is inside their time house watching Telugu serials - the worst of all serials! When small girls came singing gebbeyala songs in the evenings of the month of Sankranthi, the elders would watch and teach them new songs. Now the elders shoo them away as the serial would be at a point of suspense ! I watch the years pass, and rue the changes.1
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- I disagree with you on Telugu serials being the worst. Malayalam serials are the worst.
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- i plead ignorance about both !
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- You are blessed. I sometimes cannot avoid listening to Malayalam serials when visiting relatives. Its a long procession of sobbing women, men speaking through clenched teeth and wailing synthesizers. Drives me insane in about 90 seconds. Has made me quite a misanthrope.1
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- Here in telugu serials women wail, or laugh evilly. Or roll their eyes wildly. When I go to talk to Eashwaramma in the evenings she will sit mesmerised by the human emotions, and simply pats the floor beside her indicate I can sit with her and join the fun ! The village is addicted today. They pay 100/- pm for cable !!
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- So its the same formula everywhere, I suppose.1
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- RTrSir andAparna, here too i think serials in all our languages can compete for the 'top' (or bottom) honours. We have in the past encountered Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, serials, besides those in south Indian languages.And the tv-less bliss is the only reason i wish i had more kids lined up for taking board exams!1
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- A lot of this is happening because of the existence of tv. A lot of this nasty business would not have happened if there were no cameras around.2
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- there is an eager audience !
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- Yes. Eager and voyeuristic.1
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- That is the worst effect, were it possible to categorize the damages. Consumerism has won in every village, standing on the shoulders of the TV. And the nighty as a day dress marks every village girl and young woman !!1
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- 'satiation' - happens when there is an overdose of something - I always wonder why it doesn't happen with TV serials or is it still not overdose?2
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- It could be an addiction. Then, satiation is impossible.1
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- A lot of agreement on the disaster called TV
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