Wednesday, 29 November 2017

The theivery of the rich

Do we the rich in a country of semi starved people accept that we are theives ??

Shyamala Sanyal And cheats too

Aparna Krishnan Yes, and very lever cheats ! We have made all the laws such that all our acts of cheating are legal !

Aparna Krishnan yes, 'law abiding' you see.

Shyamala Sanyal From what little I have gathered , the ways of evading taxes , billing , commisions and kickbacks, under billing , bribery is all about how smart one is .
So proud cheats

Aparna Krishnan oh, even 'breaking laws' is a source of pride ? oh well.

Malini Parmar No. Not all poor are beggars similarly not all rich are theives or cheats. Like all generalisations we tend to make - fair is beautiful, men are better leaders, women who drink are asking for it etc - i find such generalisations offensive.

Aparna Krishnan ' Accumulation is theft'.

Aparna Krishnan 'There is enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed'.

Aparna Krishnan To stock up for tomorrows when there is hunger today is theft - in every ethical and moral sense. Yes, we have framed laws that make it legal.

Aparna Krishnan Truth does not depend on anyone's feeling offended, or otherwise. It is final.

Shyamala Sanyal Malini Parmar, if we don't pay minimum wages we are theiving cheats . Exploitative , inhuman Criminals

Malini Parmar And pray tell me who is creating employment? I come from a poor background but IT gave me an ability to earn a dignified livelihood, travel the world and is still paying my bills 4 years after i stopped working to work on garbage. I wouldn't call Narayan murthy or premji or TCS folks thief! They are the ones who created 5 day weeks, raised salaries much beyond minimum wages. you are asking for communism where everyone is paid equally which never happened.

Shyamala Sanyal Malini Parmar , a small minority . I run a business and I know my fellow industrialists inside our

Raghurama Rao Suswaram Many times truth is influenced by and some times is constructed by one's point of view. That is why, apart from correspondence and coherence theories, there is also a pragmatic theory of truth. That the poor are suffering is a simple fact any one can see. That the rich are thieves and therefore are directly responsible for this suffering is a hasty generalization. The root of this problem is the way the trade and ethics developed in our socieites. When the whole system functions like a huge economic machine which is not built by the one who participates in it, even a rich man can feel that he is just a cog in that machine and that his life is meaningless. The main problem is our economic system which is just guided by profit and not human well-being. Until such an economic system changes globally, we many not see a full-fledged solution to world poverty.

Malini Parmar So well said. couldn't agree more Raghurama.

Aparna Krishnan 1. It is a finite world, and we have overdrawn (ref : climate change) 2. The pie can only be cut in different ways. We need to reduce. Drastically 3. Without that essential and very drastic reduction in our consumption, all charity and all social work programmes are irrelevent 3. Yes, I and Premji are theives. Not legally, but morally. We have claimed far more than our share of earth's resources. Period.

Raghurama Rao Suswaram That argument is too simplistic as it looks at the world just a distribution system, of resources. But the world is also an economic system, a political system, a sociological system, a cultural system, a psychological system and an evolutionary syste...See more

Aparna Krishnan Truth is simple. Not simplistic.

Raghurama Rao Suswaram Truth is revealed only after we peel the layers of "Avidya" or ignorance, as Sankaracharya said. Understanding reality deeply through knowledge is one way of getting rid of the viei of "Maya" or "Avidya". That is why Truth is not so easy to reach. Right knowledge is essential to reach the truth.

Aparna Krishnan I know no theory. I am not deeply read. I only know the ground reality. There is deep poverty, and there are excesses. Each feeds into the other. All of us who have saved for tomorrows are indicted.
Prakash Thangavel  What are we distributing here after sucking the land/people dry? For example, Tirupur was a thriving farming area before readymade clothe, dyeing units came up. Now the river noyyal is dead, people have cancer and farming is gone forever in tthe river banks. Meanwhile we get to see luxury cars, immigrant workers and soaring crime rate. And the way the rich, who exploited this area, are giving giving back is by creating a corporate ngo called jeeva nadhi ( how ironic) to save the river they killed in the first place just to recycle their CSR funds.

Raghurama Rao Suswaram The bad effects of liberalization. No escaping the problems of a faulty economic system.

Prakash Thangavel Malini Parmar If they are so clean, why a lawsuit was filed against them for cheating on taxes in US? Why is CTS is having internal audit about bribing for SEZ land in Chennai? They have cheated their own employees often

Aparna Krishnan Prakash Thangavel Even if they were 'technically' clean, these modern science and technologies are designed to savage the earth. Yes, there are some branches of modern S&T to clean up the ravages of the other braches and they also make a nice living - calling it Green Technology.

Aparna Krishnan The root problem is of modern science and modern technology which only serves to deplete the earth. And a modern Development that rests on these. I rest my case.

Prakash Thangavel Most tech innovations are for military use, mostly for destruction and only spin offs are used for civilian use. How can they be truly beneficial in the long run?

Aparna Krishnan Or for mining or for damming rivers ...

Aarti Madhusudan I wonder if intense negativity towards anyone will result in any desired outcomes, Aparna? can we not seek to find the goodness that inherently lies within all of us, reason with that rather than point fingers and lay blame and generalise? On the other hand, maybe this is an approach too?

Aparna Krishnan I sit on a man’s back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible … except by getting off his back. - Tolstoy

Aparna Krishnan I do not think Tolstoy was 'intensely negative' ! It is the one (shameful) truth we need to face - and only from there may answers emerge.

Aparna Krishnan I have little i need from anyone personally, and yet there are some truths I have faced - painful truths. I table these for whoever may wish to hear the, If no one hears them also it is fine by me.
Aparna Krishnan Also Aarti Madhusudan, I also seek the goodness that is in each heart. The goodness that has the strength to see the truth, and draw from that on ways to address the wrongs around us. Yes the truth is bitter - because we are the oppressors, even as we 'do good'. Ref : Tolstoy

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