Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Cow Urine and IIT

I see some supercilious, disdainful posts on this.
Who will save India from her Educated, from her Progressive Minds ? The utter contempt Educated Indians have for their own practices and their modes (and thus for the simpler people of this land who are still rooted) - must be unparalleled anywhere else in the world.
Cowdung and cow urine have medicinal uses, well documented in ayurveda. We have been using them in our practice with very effective results. The village practices also have these knowleges incorporated. I have used them. And for my daughter also. With immediate results.
"Scientists and medical experts floated 40 proposals, including setting up a “gau vigyan (cow science) university” and researching the “anti-cancer” properties of cow urine, at a workshop organised by the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi on Sunday. The programme was aimed at instituting a national project to validate the health benefits of Panchgavya – a concoction prepared with cow urine, dung, milk, curd and ghee."
I suppose when their German and American masters validate this, the Progressive Indians will also start beating drums. Utter Enslavement of minds.
Scientists and medical experts floated 40 proposals, including setting up a “go vigyan (cow science) university” and researching the “anti-cancer”...
Chidambaran Subramanian What have you used cow-urine for?
Ra Jesh Aparna, I'm confused as to why IIT (a technology institute) is taking this up rather than AIIMS or some other medical research institute. Wouldn't a botched attempt further entrench western science hegemony by some decades?!
Aparna Krishnan Not even AIIMS. It needs to be Kotakkal or some other ayurvedic setup. The funds are all with western/modern institutions and they do what they please regarding traditional sciences also.
Ra Jesh I feel that they will eventually release some watered down findings and nothing good will come out of this... why can't they partner with a Kotakkal Arurvaidya Shala or someone?
Suraj Kumar btw, this could be done to isolate chemicals in the cow urine which is by now well known to cure many diseases. So they'd try to either synthesize it, or extract it. Maybe it is all at that level of physics and chemistry which needs fundamental research. An AIIMS may only establish that cow urine is useful. That may only lead the people to the cow. Not to the man who funds the scientific research  Like "Taurine" came from taurus 
Aparna Krishnan In my understanding that reductionist approach does not work. It is usually a yogam, a combination, that has the effect, and also balances against extremes. I doubt is some synthesised molucule from turneric in a capsule with have the wholesomeness of putting turmeric powder in cooking daily.
Suraj Kumar Aparna Krishnan Agreed. But you cannot deny that there are no top-down effects of introduction of chemicals, especially ones that are very similar and is naturally occurring in the body. This is how they've been covering up the symptoms since ages. Study signals of chemicals being sent around during times of distress. Study signals of healing (from, say, cow urine or mother's milk). Synthesize and obsolete the body. Make people's organs *biologically* addicted to these external chemicals. Insulin, etc.,
Sridhar Lakshmanan In turmeric there is already a company that sells in capsule form, they claim on an average our body is able to absorb only 4 ingredients of turmeric however if turmeric undergoes a certain process and then consumed then it goes to more than 190
Prakash Thangavel Sridhar Lakshmanan Same thing with drumsticks too right? Moringa powder selling in amazon india while people can grow drumstick trees easily in urban areas. Soon we might get cow urine tonic neatly packaged and marketed by a corporate as a desi product
Aparna Krishnan or a german product !!
Sridhar Lakshmanan Morreinga powder is sold in Nilgiris supermarket as morreinga tea for 1100 rs per kg.out side a fresh bunch is for 20 rs
Sridhar Lakshmanan Since the turmeric capsule is made in USA I say let's export turmeric and help our farmers
Prakash Thangavel My mom plucks it for her soup daily from our backyard tree. It can be easily grown in terraces too. Not sure why anyone would want it for 1100 rs
Aparna Krishnan Sridhar Lakshmanan make the capsules here if you have to. why expost turmeric !
Aparna Krishnan But all this is a downhill path. Knowingly we need to enter the fray.
Sridhar Lakshmanan They won't give the technology interestingly this company is run by a group of Indians settled there, so u can ask th directly. Worst part is that most cucurmin rich turmeric grows in tribal areas and the people there suffer malnutrition
Prakash Thangavel A kerala based company called synthite extracts stuff from traditional medicinal plants by using chemical solvents and makes capsules for medicinal use. As a bargain, ground water and air is polluted in the foothllls of karamadai range, western ghats, coimbatore. All goes to export and some goes to local pharma. Let us wait for what IIT will come up with.
Aparna Krishnan There is a perversion called 'Patent'. A moral perversion.
Sethuraman Pasupathy Aparna Krishnan, is there a ayurveda cure for thyroid cancer (papillary carcinoma detected by FNAC test) If so, can you please guide where to get the treatment.
Aparna Krishnan I really wouldnt know. Maybe you can consult Dr. PLT Girija, Sanjeevani.
Sethuraman Pasupathy I live in pune. I couldn't find her e mail in their website. Before making a visit I thought of checking out if the problem is curable. So in case you have and can share her mail id, I'd be grateful.
Aparna Krishnan sanjeevanifoundation@gmail.com
Aparna Krishnan for one thing, allopathic diagnosis has no relevence for ayurveda which needs to see the condition through its own perspectives. please write to them, and they will respond as they see fit.
Jp Jayaprakash I was told by a Sidha doctor that cow urine cannot have any medicine in it. But It helps to keep the vatha, Kapa and pitha in balance with regular intake. The Vatha Kapa and pitha fluctuations causes hormone imbalance and lead to decseice and syndrome.
Aparna Krishnan No. Cow urine is very theekshnam, and aggravates pitta. It reduces kapham. It has very specific properties and uses.
Jp Jayaprakash More of a healthy lifestyle habit than a cure for unhealthy state
Aparna Krishnan not at all. Should never be taken 'regularly'.
Balasubramaniam Muthusamy Aparna, these researches have to be conducted in the Agricultural universities. They have tons and tons of research done and there are enough qualified people to do the same. Asking IIT to do this is waste of time and to believe that IIT is the best suited one for any research is a bias which you can ask why. M=In my opinion, it is stupid.
Balaji Muralidhara · Friends with Jp Jayaprakash
What has happened to IITs these days, I thought they produce great engineers.. unfortunately I see them produce politicians, writers ( mostly screwed up once)... now medicine ?? We don't need a research to find its use... Go to villages they use dung to wipe the floors, cakes as fuel, urine in small quantities as cleaning agents... Well they do have properties of disinfectants.. most of the villages are much much more cleaner than the cities with disinfectants.... When world's costliest coffee is from beans picked from poops of elephant and civet (black ivory, kopi luwak etc..) .. well jokes apart I am more concerned about IITs than the urine or dung
Prakash Thangavel Looks like IIT is fit for testing urine samples these days. I used to admire IIT folks long back, but found out they live in a fantasy world of green cards, posh jobs and cribbing about reservation rather than using what ever they learnt for the betterment of the downtrodden, atleast part time.
Aparna Krishnan To be honest, not much of what they learnt can be for the betterment of society. They are taught modern technology of building dams, and mining and generating electricity. Which was OK, except that this has driven the world to a point of no return climate change. The technology that can recover the earth and protect it, the sustanable ways, can only be found in villages and in tradition.
Aparna Krishnan The IIT degree is only useful to be give up, and to be admired as, 'he went to IIt, and then to villages' !!
Shobana Ramkumar Much of our knowledge has been tested by time. The practices were implemented as a way of life and so we understand that way of life led to evolution of religion if we understand the latter also as a way of life. Then religion and religious practices were intertwined with spiritualism. The three mentioned here are I think different but in a deeper sense there is none. In the actual practice of our ancient mores, religious connotations must be carefully avoided. The " intellectuals" of today want proof shown by modern science. When western culture and way of life set out to demean our practices, then where is the respect for all this? Those who still practice these will simply have to soldier on, convinced that what they are doing is right.

I saw aother post laughing at 'the government that values cow urine'. Educated fools mushrooming everywhere !
Cow urine has medicinal properties. We use it in ayurveda. We use it in the village. It addresses tumours. It addresses leucoderma. And much else.
Many deracinated intellectuals of this land are rolling off their chairs in laughter on hearing this.
The day Stanford validates this in a paper they will all start clambering back onto the chairs they kicked away. And start writing about its glories.
Never saw a more servile community than the western educated indian. Utterly lacking in intellectual ability, or intellectual integrity or self confidence or pride.

We are giving milk and Ashwagandhadhi in many villages near ours. The impact is remarkable.
We welcome anyone who would like do a statistical study. To put the onus on us does not work.
Please see the budget allocation for allopathy versus Ayurveda. See the pharma lobby Nexus with allopathy.. Despite a heavy bias against Ayurveda, practitioners are working and delivering. The larger statistical and other proof building needs to be taken up by the state.

/*Regarding science - I have no fight with modern science. But I refuse to grant it the position of the ONLY valid system. And I also refuse the demand that other systems, including ayurveda, need to be validated in its language.*/
Madam - very aptly said. In my childhood, I was an ardent believer. By mid-school, after knowing a bit of science, I became a non-believer. While doing physics in my PG and M.Phil, I realized how stupid I was to be a non-believer. Since then I have been agnostic.
Sometime back, in the office, I got engaged in a serious discussion that involved people from other religions who were rather insulting Hindu religion and its practices. I gave them only one example. You take our 'panchangam' and you can verify dates, days, eclipses, moon phases, sun-sets, sun-rises and say they are 'right' because you can use modern science to explain them. But you say rahu-kala, good muhurtha etc., computed using the same formula are superstitions because they are beyond the comprehension of modern science. So which is right and which is wrong?. They had no answer.
I saw few of your posts and facebook would be of no use to me, if I don't make friends with people like you.

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