Sunday, 17 December 2017

Small is Beautiful - Divergent and Convergent Problems

... force man to strain himself to a level above himself; they demand, and thus provoke the supply of, forces from a higher level, thus bringing love, beauty. goodness, and truth into our lives.
"G. N. M. Tyrell has put forward the terms 'divergent' and 'convergent' to
distinguish problems which cannot be solved by logical reasoning from
those that can. Life is being kept going by divergent problems which have to
be 'lived' and are solved only in death. Convergent problems on the other
hand are man's most useful invention; they do not, as such, exist in reality,
but are created by a process of abstraction. When they have been solved, the
solution can be written down and passed on to others, who can apply it
without needing to reproduce the mental effort necessary to find it. If this
were the case with human relations - in family life, economics, politics,
education. and so forth - well, I am at a loss how to finish the sentence,
There would be no more human relations but only mechanical reactions; life
would be a living death. Divergent problems, as it were, force man to strain
himself to a level above himself; they demand, and thus provoke the supply
of, forces from a higher level, thus bringing love, beauty. goodness, and
truth into our lives. It is only with the help of these higher forces that the
opposites can be reconciled in the living situation.
The physical sciences and mathematics are concerned exclusively with
convergent problems. That is why they can progress cumulatively, and each
new generation can begin just where their forbears left off. The price,
however, is a heavy one. Dealing exclusively with convergent problems
does not lead into life but away from it. "

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