Why do modern types call prayers, prarthana, 'chanting' ?
And the vedic prayers, 'chants' ?
The vedas are religious texts.
The defensiveness of the modern indian, about his traditions, his culture, his religions, is unparalleled !
Suraj Kumar "Vedas are religious texts". Where did I hear that before?
Suraj Kumar Yes, largely a philosophy + science, but one that is spiritual - subjective and also largely theistic. But the theism is very different from the theism that is dominant in the world today. It cannot be talked in the same length as a monotheistic organized religion -- that's where the confusion is.
So when it is said "Vedas are religious texts" my reflex thought is, perhaps due to colonization, whether these are "texts" like that of "Qu'ran" or "Bible".
ManageSo when it is said "Vedas are religious texts" my reflex thought is, perhaps due to colonization, whether these are "texts" like that of "Qu'ran" or "Bible".
Aparna Krishnan Right thro' it is about Ishwara and Bhagvan. Though each shkokas does not refer to it. The philosophy is based on thsi theistic understanding. Both the Veda Purva Bhagam which is more about rituals, as well as the Veda Anta Bhagam which takes one from the Ishta devata to the Vishwaroopa devata where god is seen in the entire universe to the final Aham Brahmasmi.
Suraj Kumar There is Shruti prasthana (based on Upanishads), Brahma sutra prasthana (based on practice + penance) and Smriti Prasthana (recollecting and interpreting remembered stories/memes).
To cut the long story short... there is a big difference between MONOTHEISM and MONISM and ATHEISM/AGNOSTICISM/rationalism/darwinism/dawkinism/carl-jungism/etc.,etc. The latter is the cool trend nowadays
ManageTo cut the long story short... there is a big difference between MONOTHEISM and MONISM and ATHEISM/AGNOSTICISM/rationalism/darwinism/dawkinism/carl-jungism/etc.,etc. The latter is the cool trend nowadays

Aparna Krishnan In India, rituals, prayer and seeking understandings of vedanta go together. In every village, as also every ashram of vedantic studies.
Aparna Krishnan It is a very small modern crowd that seeks to seperate the two. Artificially so, in this soil.
Aparna Krishnan I have just quoted a verse on Saraswathi !
Aparna Krishnan Sorry, my religion is theistic, and divinity is seen in everything. To dismiss Saraswathi as a quality and not a godess is a dodge.
I just asked my daughter for referances to God in the Upanishads, and she gave me these verses from the Taittraya Upanishad (as in the Mantra Pushpam). And warned me that these are pointless discussions as 'They will say Aditya in the shloka is not a God, and just the hydrogen-helim ball of gases' !Manage
I just asked my daughter for referances to God in the Upanishads, and she gave me these verses from the Taittraya Upanishad (as in the Mantra Pushpam). And warned me that these are pointless discussions as 'They will say Aditya in the shloka is not a God, and just the hydrogen-helim ball of gases' !Manage
Vinayak Lohani Rahulda, I must side with Aparna Krishnan on this..You too are right that they are 'qualities' but the problem is the idea of 'god' that you are taking. 'gods' (mind the small g) are symbols of a certain quality. When we say 'god' we bring 'reverence'. Divinising something essentially associating reverence with it. So these vedic gods are qualities seen with a certain reverence.
Aparna Krishnan More than everything else, it is respect for the people I seek, and respect for their ways of being, their context of being, their contexts of worship.
We, in my opinion, have little ground to dismiss those with superciliousness. I actualty do not even think that anyone is morally or intellectually superior to the people at large and their simple, grounded goodness that i have seen for years. Not that superority, even if it were there, is any ground for dismissing.
ManageWe, in my opinion, have little ground to dismiss those with superciliousness. I actualty do not even think that anyone is morally or intellectually superior to the people at large and their simple, grounded goodness that i have seen for years. Not that superority, even if it were there, is any ground for dismissing.
Rahul Banerjee I think i have the right to hold the opinion that spiritualism is superior to religion without in any way disrespecting those who are religious. Mostly, religious beliefs, across the world and not just in india, have led to strife and violence while spiritualism has led to detachment.
Aparna Krishnan The dichotomy is artificial in this soil. Prayers, rituals, the highest philosophies of being, all co-exist and feed into each other. I learn this both from my village and from Adi Shankara.
Anyway, yes, one can create the boxes one is comfortable in, so long as one doesnt consider that a supeior box, and oneself a superior box inmate !
ManageAnyway, yes, one can create the boxes one is comfortable in, so long as one doesnt consider that a supeior box, and oneself a superior box inmate !
Aparna Krishnan Yes. Moksha. The definition of moksha as freedom from cycle of births and deaths was too distant for me to visualize or seek. But moksha as freedom from ahamkara and mamahara (the sense of I and Mine), and from raga and dvesha (desperate attachments and dislikes) was certianly a very essential goal. For each human being. Helped when I learnt that meaning !
Seshagiri BV Realization is the Key , unless one experiences emotionally in any of the Nine paths of Yoga it is difficult to comprehend .
Aparna Krishnan Please explain.
Seshagiri BV I have Learnt /practiced Eastern & Western Spirituality . Read around 8000 Books till date , visited many Ashrams joined their programs . Trained in Past Life Regression , Yoga , Swara Yoga , Pranic Healing , Energy Medicine etc and on intense Meditation for two years.
Aparna Krishnan Which are the 9 paths ?
Seshagiri BV Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga. Bhakti Yoga has Nine forms.
Aparna Krishnan The theory as per the Geeta is that the final path is Gnana Yoga. Karma Yoga and Upasana Yoga as essential steps to stabilize the mind to receive the teachings of Gnana Yoga, but only Gnanam can liberate. Bhakthi emcompasses all stages, as thre is no Vedanta withour Bhakti.
Seshagiri BV Liberation can be obtained by any of the Four paths.
Aparna Krishnan No, as per the shastras. Finally one needs Gnana Yoga, the teachings of the vedanta. Karma Yoga, where one gives up attachment to the result, in skaama karma yoga or nishkaama karma yoda is a part of the path. A essential part, which continues through the journey.
Aparna Krishnan Retrograde for whom ?
For him who has reached the stage of Aham Brahmasmi ?
None of the seers, including Adi Shankara have ever been dismissive, because there are stages to reach that final state of being. So God has been portrayed in all three forms.
In have the Puranas, the Agamas, the Stutis.
Ekaroopa Ishwara, the IshtaDevata form
Vishwaroopa Ishwara, the Anekaroopa form,
and finally the Aroopa form.
Would you dismiss Meera who worshipped God in the form of Krishna. Or as many arrogant modernists do, sneer at the Shiva Bhaktas for worshipping the Shiva lingam.
The way to understand a religion, a people, a civilization begins with complete humility.
ManageFor him who has reached the stage of Aham Brahmasmi ?
None of the seers, including Adi Shankara have ever been dismissive, because there are stages to reach that final state of being. So God has been portrayed in all three forms.
In have the Puranas, the Agamas, the Stutis.
Ekaroopa Ishwara, the IshtaDevata form
Vishwaroopa Ishwara, the Anekaroopa form,
and finally the Aroopa form.
Would you dismiss Meera who worshipped God in the form of Krishna. Or as many arrogant modernists do, sneer at the Shiva Bhaktas for worshipping the Shiva lingam.
The way to understand a religion, a people, a civilization begins with complete humility.
Aparna Krishnan The texts clearly give the path as ekaroopa ishwara, anekaroopa ishwara and then attaining the understanding of aroopa ishwara. Each person higher on that path has respect and compassion for those on the same path, and not dismissiveness. Sakkaracharya...See more
Sohan Agate The vedas are not religious texts. They are scientific texts. What's written in the vedas is applicable to everyone irregardless of ones gender, age , etc
Aparna Krishnan They are the texts of my religion. Yes, they are also rational and applicable across time and space.
Aparna Krishnan Vedas the texts of Hinduism.
Rahul Banerjee The vedas predate the artificial brahminical construct called Hinduism so how can they be part of the latter
Aparna Krishnan Give it the name you like. Sanatana Dharma maybe as many term it.
Siva Chidambaram I like the way u used "his" instead of typical mother India"her"
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