Sunday, 22 July 2018

Swami Paramarthananda’s Lectures on Bhartruhari’s Niti Shatakam

Verse 75 ...

In this verse, Bhartruhari divides the entire humanity into four groups of people. The first one he calls Uttamāha, the best. The second one is Madhayamaha and the third one is Adhamaha. The fourth one he says - I don’t know how to name them. They are such terrible people! I am at a loss to find an appropriate expression for them.

The first line defines Uttama Purushaha. ētē sathpurushāh- there are some rare noble people called the Uttama Janāha. What is their greatness? parārtha ghatakāh - they are involved in fulfilling the interests of others. They are involved in selfless service like a candle burning itself and shedding light for others. Or they are like an incense stick which burns itself, spreading fragrance all around. Similarly, they expend themselves doing good to others. So, parārtha ghatakāh or parārtha kārakāh; How? swārtham parityajya - without bothering about their own personal interest, without considering about themselves. At the cost of their own interest, they do good to others. These are the Uttama Purushāha.

The second ones are Sāmānyāha - they are the Madhayama Purushāha, the intermediary ones. parārtham udyama bhrutaha - they also take efforts for the service and wellbeing of others. udyama means effort. bhrut means taking. So, they also do a lot of things for others, but very careful. swārtha avirōdhēna - without affecting their personal interest. They take to such actions which are not detrimental to their benefit

What is Adhamaha, the terrible one? tēmī mānusha rākshasāh - the Adhama ones are demons in human form. parahitam nighnanti - who destroy the interest of others, for fulfilling their own personal ends. They are utterly selfish people. They don’t care about the world. They want to get the maximum benefit. These are the third variety. Then, comes the fourth variety for whom the authors says - I don’t know what to say. We can give the name Adhamādhamāha. Who are they? yē nighnantiparahitam-they destroy the interest of other people, the future of others. Nirardhakam means without any benefit for themselves. At-least, the previous one destroyed for his personal gain. But this fourth variety person doesn’t get any benefit and others also don’t get any benefit.

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