Don't feel so goddamned thrilled about women having gatecrashed into a temple in Kerala.
These are non-believers, with no business in that temple other than that of disruption and discord. They have been manipulated into this and the seeds sown here will bear very bitter fruit in the future. Think people gatecrashing mosques, churches, gurudwaras etc., in a fashion calculated to offend. Wonderful opportunities here for politicians and other manipulators.
If a temple says you can't wear leather and enter it, I'd remove my leather stuff and enter (if I believed) or not enter at all. What would I be proving by wearing leather shoes and entering it?
This is not about untouchability. Or about equal rights.
Remember, the Supreme Court judge who was AGAINST allowing entry was herself a lady.
Remember, the Supreme Court judge who was AGAINST allowing entry was herself a lady.
"Justice Malhotra batted for letting faith be, however irrational. “In a secular polity, issues which are matters of deep religious faith and sentiment must not ordinarily be interfered with by courts.” She, however, drew the line at pernicious practices such as sati.
She said a secular polity must allow heterogeneity in religion, allow diverse forms of worship, even if irrational, insisting that courts must not enter into areas of faith.
“Constitutional morality in a secular polity would imply harmonisation of fundamental rights, which include the right of every individual, religious denomination, or sect, to practise their faith and belief in accordance with the tenets of their religion, irrespective of whether the practice is rational or logical.”"
She said a secular polity must allow heterogeneity in religion, allow diverse forms of worship, even if irrational, insisting that courts must not enter into areas of faith.
“Constitutional morality in a secular polity would imply harmonisation of fundamental rights, which include the right of every individual, religious denomination, or sect, to practise their faith and belief in accordance with the tenets of their religion, irrespective of whether the practice is rational or logical.”"
Read the actual judgment from page 358 onwards.
Viswanath L
What different point, man? SC got it wrong all along. When u say discrimination, u must be able articulate what u lost b'coz of the discrimination. A non-believer loses nothing, by not being allowed into a temple. There is no liberty to trample on ppl who caused no harm to u
Sample the women wanting to visit

Viswanath Lakshmanan You see, all faiths, etc are man-made fictions. You cannot create ur own fiction and claim that it is Ayyappa worship. Nobody was forced into Ayyappa worship, so the cause of liberty is served already. Forcefully accommodating the whims of non-believers is persecution, nothing else.
Hypocrisy. And the urge to Civilize the Native.
Activism and activists stand exposed. As simply bearers of the colonial legacy to reform and browbeat the local population into their version of civilization.
(via Maya Gomez)
There is so much hypocrisy over the Shabarimala issue, it’s sickening.
There is absolutely nothing about religion or religious practices that is “justifiable” or “rational”. Hence, to each his own. And hence, a complete separation of religion and state. What we see playing out is the hypocrisy of politicising religion.
Natural change can and will happen, and has happened, over time as regressive customs are cast aside and traditions and customs are made current. Any change to be lasting, has to happen from within.
To think that it has to be forced from the outside upon a community in this day and age is not only presumptious, but it also comes from a place of privilege - “I know how you should follow your religious customs better than you do”. The hypocrisy of presumption.
Peaceful means of dialogue and conversation, advocacy for gradual change is cast aside, while the strong hand of law is thrust upon a community. No one has the patience or time for real, lasting dialogue and change. This is the hypocrisy of our secularism and the hypocrisy of activism.
Where activism is concerned, Dalit women are made sacrificial lambs for back door entry into the shrine and the face of “activism”, while others form urban walls. Hypocrisy. The whole thing is mired in hypocrisy.
I see many 'activists' who claim to have worked in villages and tribal spaces. Celebrating the breaking of the Sabarimalai practices.
I wonder.
About their understandings.
And their actual respect for the 'people'. That they claim to work for.
Some have worked with tribals.
If the tribals have two sacred groves. One where only men can go. And another where only women can go. They would then go and bulldoze the former ?
Against the wishes of the men and women there.
Inform the women that they are backward and supersitious and ignorant, and that they should be enlightened by them.
I can see no greater assualt on a people than an assault on their identity, their gods, their being.
And in such a case, by the very people who claim to be their saviours.

One of the most absurd pictures you will ever see in the #culturewars is below: A burqa-tented woman carrying a placard against "Brahminical Patriarchy" at the recent Communist women-rally in Kerala, as if Brahmins put her in her sartorial solitary confinement.
We have had 70 years of interpreting Indian society through a Western lens, especially by Delhi elites who are more comfortable in Cambridge than in Coimbatore, and at Harvard rather than in Dharwad.
This picture is the end result of this utter nonsense subject called "Social Science" which political-leftist dens posing as intellectual centers of learning (#JNUanyone?) have been inflicting on the Indian psyche, using anecdotes and historical fiction rather than actual field work and data. More on this in the coming days...
We have had 70 years of interpreting Indian society through a Western lens, especially by Delhi elites who are more comfortable in Cambridge than in Coimbatore, and at Harvard rather than in Dharwad.
This picture is the end result of this utter nonsense subject called "Social Science" which political-leftist dens posing as intellectual centers of learning (#JNUanyone?) have been inflicting on the Indian psyche, using anecdotes and historical fiction rather than actual field work and data. More on this in the coming days...
Sivapriya Krishnan Im going to stand in a madisar and ask for inclusion of islamic females in mosques during prayers alongwith the men folk.
Utter nonsense in Kerala in the name of egalitarianism
Aparna Krishnan War has been declared. It will be a bloody war maybe. But we will reclaim ourselves finally. From deep rooted colonized selves.
Sabarimalai is a point of reckoning.
All of us have come out in the open.
The lines are drawn
Between those who respect the sense and sensibility of common people. Who respect common people. Who dialogue to learn, correct, collectively evolve.
And those who consider the common people backward masses who need to be mocked at, saved, liberated. By them.
Sabarimalai is far larger than Sabarimalai.
The path ahead will be thorny. But that is the path to regain ourselves from our colonised selves.
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