Runam. A word very common in the villages.
It can be translated as debt. But it means far more.
It is rinam to ones forefathers, ones parents, to the teacher. To ones community, to the land that nurtured one. To ones gods.
It is a token that lasts across lifetimes.
A word understood and lived in villages.
A word forgotton and lost in the so called educated of this land.
Rinam, when forgotten, leads to many sad situations.
Privileged youth sustained and nourished by the sweat of the farmers of this land, after their college flying away to greener spaces.
Rinam stands forgotten.
Old age homes, parents sustained by attenders, with children in some far away lands.
Rinam stands forgotten.
When when Rinam is forgotten, the tenor of Dharma is shaken.
... and the fabric of society starts unravelling ...
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