Sunday, 24 March 2019

Why do NGOs go to 'help villages' ...

Why do all NGOs go to rural India to 'help villagers' ?
When the source of all the problem is urban India and its insatiable appetite.

Mark Johnston Because tackling our own overconsumption and the exploitation it causes would make us challenge our privilege and entitlement? Easier to think our education and intelligence mean we know what is needed better than people who have lived on the land for many centuries. Thinking we are more clever than others often illustrates our remarkably high level of stupidity. Plus middle class Europeans and Americans will pay a fortune to NGOs to host them on a "gap year" where they will eat all the villagers food, run off all the carefully managed water and badly build an unwanted toilet or something equally inappropriate.
Aparna Krishnan The arrogance is only matched by the ignorance. Fools running wild ... Entitled fools.

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