How a headline can pervert the reporting.
The details of the matter are about how cow urine is medicinal, and how goshalas are being set up to promote it.
In Ayurveda we use gomutra. I have used it. It is part of the treatment line in many conditions. It is also used in the village in similar ways.
A newspaper, an audience, which had scant respect for ayurveda, for Indian traditions of treatment, for Indians. Makes a mockery of it.
By drawing a minor line into a headline and sneering.
The cliente of these newspapers match the editors in thought and word.
Subashree Ramdas Absolutely right! Many times it’s only the headlines we see in the news feed and form an opinion. Ayurveda has a wealth of medicines which if practiced can give relief. I was suffering from severe asthma and cough . I was put on inhalers 3 times a day and lot of other steroids. One visit to Ayurveda centre and it improved my health. I had to give up curd but that was a small price to pay for endless suffering . Afsan Chowdhury Hi Aparna Krishnan I agree with you completely. Looking down on anything that is non Westernized sourced /indigenous is a sign of stupidity and arrogance which most liberals whatever that means have. I posted many news on gomutra and related topics a…See More Aparna Krishnan Afsan Chowdhury the liberals will not learn. They lack humility, the first requirement for learning. We need to claim our spaces, ignoring them. Afsan Chowdhury Aparna Krishnan as a university teacher I know how deep the West has penetrated.I call this the "quotation" culture. Anthing that is sourced from the West is accepted as knowledge. I tell my best students not to fly to the West for higher degrees because honestly, the brain is lost but i am the only one opposing flight to the West. Our teachers get degrees for jobs and want their students to do the same. Respect for indigenous learning also means they need to learn.that. Who is teaching them ? Thanks Aparna Krishnan Afsan Chowdhury I used to worry about brain drain once. Now I think we are better off with bidding farewell to those who are happy to leave the land, the Desh.
"Cow urine drinker" seems to be a word of abuse today.
In my village as a cow pours urine we collect it in our palms and sprinkle it over our heads.
We also have it internally. Yes, it is considered holy. I have had it. I have also given it to my daughter as part of ayurveda treatment.
Yes, ayurveda mandates use of cow urine, internally and externally.
47Vigneshwaran RK, Chegondi Chandrashekar and 45 others
Very brave of you to mention this

Why ??? We are very happy with our practices.
Because there are many people in my own Facebook connections who abuse others with those very words. Apparently, abusing someone as a "cow urine drinker" is the new way to prove one's "progressive credentials".
The So called progressives are imo the most regressive/close minded. The So called liberals most illiberal to other points of view.
Be that as it may, my land, my people, my practices, my faith. Is to which I owe my commitment.
Donkeys can bray, it really doesn't matter to me.
Absolutely agree Amma but does this apply to modern day cows as well ? I believe rural cows are still free of nasty feed. Please enlighten me from your observations and experience
Our area has largely moved to mixed breeds as per government programs. The cowdung, cow urine' still stay medicinal, tho that of the local breeds will probably be superior. To move back to lower yielding native varieties will need state intervention. Pepe live off grazing a cow or teo, so the yield us important to them.
Feed is grass and fodder, nothing much more.
Malavika SidhantiMany Hindu practices are yet to be studied in depth before negated by the "scientific community"
Malavika Sidhanti the modern scientific community is the most narrow minded.
Rejecting arrogantly all that it cannot grasp ...
Unani, Homeopathy, Siddha - all of them too.
Malavika SidhantiAparna Krishnan
quite agree! The scientific temperament is when everything that we do not yet understand is the material for further research. Time have higher sciences University where traditional and spiritual practices ingenious to India can be examined, researched, documented and preserved.
Malavika SidhantiChitra Sharan
of course! including a center for spiritual paths evolved in India
Especially spiritual science deserve to be examined and owned, else we'll be left quoting Nicola Tesla and several other higher practitioners of science to substantiate our past discoveries... who of course have been studying, evaluating and using ancient Indian knowledge earnestly.
Paranthaman SriramuluNot everyone can understand logic or have time to understand. These all become traditions and practices after many thousands years of testing and improvements.
Malavika SidhantiParanthaman Sriramulu Totally agree! For most Macaulaiates .. everything else is superstition
Paranthaman SriramuluMy grand parents used cow dung as fertilizer, fuel via dried cake. Cow urine and dung as floor sanitizer and pesticide for crops. Cow urine sprinkled in our heads and house. Probably I must had even cow urine indirectly. My grand parents did not get allergies, cancer, skin infections. No pollution in home or outside. Cow dung and urine were part of their daily life. People who spent some years in village can co relate how useful are Indian cattle in helping humans live least violent life. English education only creates such abusers who have no clue behind these traditions and practices.
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