Monday, 27 May 2019

Village vignettes - our cats

Ramamurthy (standing) and Krishnamurti (sitting)
Ramamurthy is a better mouser.
But Krishnamurthy eats better. He charms more skillfully !

Arindam Ghosh Seems true to their names !

Meet our family members.

Mr Ramamurthy, Mr Krishnamurthy and Sitalakshmi.
Mr Ramamurthy is the tougher character. He claims first right to food. He does not like Mr Krishnamurthy. In what he had decided is his personal soace
Mr Krishnamurthy is the smarter character. His motto is 'Discretion is the better part of valor'. He settles in the shelf and hopes he will not catch Mr Ramamurthy's baleful eye. Should he be spotted and spat at, he takes a flying spring out of the window. And returns after the coast is clear.
Sitalakshmi likes to be left alone. But the two gentlemen are overpowering in their attentions. She decides to go along with what she cannot help. Lakshmikantha who is an expert in cats, having 4 at home at any time, checked her out and told us just now that she is pregnant. And that we should look after her with care.
Please, all Facebook friends are invited to Sitalakshmi's baby shower. Next Sunday.
Gifts for Sitalakshmi may be mailed to PaalaGuttaPalle !

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