Today when I see young girls my daughters age deal with men in buses, trains, streets, it is a replay. Nothing has changed.
The same story of how half the population is living on the edge. And the other half watches. In indifference at best. With a perverted interest at worst.
The odd man who stands up against his community, questioning their misbehavior, getting to be an endangered breed.
The women also. Silent. Unwilling or unable to publically stand up to this. The unacceptable is normalised.
Yes, we women live on the edge. At fifteen and at fifty. ln buses, adjusting ones bag behind so that men don't 'accidentally' fall on us. In trains, covering oneself with a sheet as one suddenly realises that there are some peering eyes. In lonely stations, on red alert. Subconsciously ready to bolt.
A pervasive unmentioned insecurity. Dealing with harassment. Anticipating harrassment. As a background note. All the time. Though all our breaking boundaries.
Yes, #EveryWoman
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