Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Deepawali 2019

We were returning by cycle, late evening now. Suddenly a skinny white dog started jumping on us. Then we recognized it as the stray from the end of our street.
This was 4 km away, and the only way she could have come to this unfamiliar alien territory could be by running here in sheer terror. Diwali crackers.
We walked back with her and she slunk behind us, tail between her legs and shivering. Terrified of crackers. Of the snarling unfamiliar dogs objecting to her presence.
What are we doing this to them for ? To prove our right to our traditions ? To burst crackers ??
Traditions need to be collectively re examined and redefined. Otherwise it is idiocy and self obsessed behavior. Definitely not tradition. In its best meaning.

We have a dog. It's terrified, and running into corners. Hearing crackers.
"Dogs hear a frequency range of 40 to 60,000 Hz while a human range is between 20 and 20,000 Hz. Because of this, dogs have a difficult time with very loud noises."
Street dogs have no corners to run into, and go beserk with fear. And lose themselves into alien territories. The pups get orphaned.
While I know all the arguments on why one religion should not be questioned more that others ...
The fact that at the end if the days there are these dogs.
Every religion needs to answer to itself. See if it stands upto humaneness.
Yes, all religions need to.


One Class 10 boy on the street with a string of crackers. As he was going to light them, I asked him to wait while I pulled in the street dog indoors. Yesterday she had run away in terror 5 km away I told him.
He waited patiently. As I scoured the streets for her. And called her in.
This aforementioned boy has a pet dog. Which he has kept safe in an AC room in his house, insulated from cracker noises. His concern for his dog is genuine, and admirable.
The problem is the division.
My Dog, Other Dogs.
As in
My Child, Other Children.
My Family, Other Families.
... and therein lies the whole problem. In the entire world.

The teacher of Krishnapuram school called up, "This months money for giving milk and Ashwagandhadhi, could you transfer today itself Madam ? The lady is very poor, and for Diwali her children need something. Please Madam, a request. Please somehow adjust."
I handle the payments to the nine schools giving milk, routinely close to month end. As it was, I was feeling over stretched. The bank accounts had got deleted, and there was a lot to sort out. I told my daughter I doubted I has time to address this seperatly now.
Then my daughter reminded me. Of our last visit to this school. This is a young mother. Of three children. Whose husband had passed away a few months ago.
Her face flashed before me. A young woman, smiling. Hiding all her burdens behind that cheer. Which she must have learnt to do for the children. The children she needed to support now. Though whatever works she could do. Like boiling and serving milk in the school.
Yes. This has priority over all else. One young lady. Three small children. One remote village. In the forest.
Yes, all others things were on hold. And I transferred money and told her that this was for Diwali. For her children. That milk money would follow. Month end.
She is the reason for all our existence. If only we saw.
The meaning of Diwali. Dhan Teras.

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