"I am reporting live from the workshop at Umbara. It has been a fruitful 2days of training these 4 ladies in making blouses. Please join me in wishing Pallaghatapalle team the very best.
They go back tomorrow to train the rest in the team. We will be back with fruitful reports on the products they would be making.
This endeavour once, they are stable in product quality and design aspects and execution would be beneficial for those who would like to place orders directly with them.
Await more details.
The quality of studentship in them and the willingness to learn is uncorrupted by life situations, language barrier, physical tiredness or attitude issues.
They are single focused and completely straight faced.They exude the kind of teamwork that large organisations envy."
They go back tomorrow to train the rest in the team. We will be back with fruitful reports on the products they would be making.
This endeavour once, they are stable in product quality and design aspects and execution would be beneficial for those who would like to place orders directly with them.
Await more details.
The quality of studentship in them and the willingness to learn is uncorrupted by life situations, language barrier, physical tiredness or attitude issues.
They are single focused and completely straight faced.They exude the kind of teamwork that large organisations envy."
" I derive immense inspiration from the ladies who are driven to take charge of their lives. Potholes and fate and bad luck and all ...... accounted for.
There is still an inner source of strength they draw on. I respect that. And worship it."

Yesterday's readymade blouse learnings at Rama Narayanan s centre.
Today is another day they are eagerly setting out for.
Anitha, "We need to learn. This is such a great opportunity. We will ask Rama Madam if we can stay
a day or two longer."
Nirmala has two small children. Her mother in law is unwell. She brought her mother from Tirupati to the village to look after her toddlers. She tells me, "I need to learn isn't it ? Somehow." Her husband is handicapped. And Nirmala has taken on the responsibility of primary earning member.
Ramila said her class 8 daughter Chandana sent her, "Amma, go. I will manage the house, cooking everything before I leave for school."
And so they packed their bags snd set out alone to this far away city, aware that even language was a challenge.
The women amaze at every turn. I see strength at its finest here, every day.
Ramila, Roopa, Anita and Nirmala are in Bangalore. At Umbara Ramanarayanan
Big new city, Bamgalore. Far from the comfort of Telugu speaking places. Very far from the tiny Telugu speaking village they have grown up in.
The four of them packed their small bags and set out by bus. From PaalaGuttaPalle to Bangalore. Yesterday.
On Rama Narayanan 's invitation.
To learn readymade blouse stitching. From the very best place to learn. Rama. At Umbara.
Rama is their friend. After she made a long trip to the village, just to help them, to start them on blouses and embroidery.
They are staying at Gandhi Bhavan, and commuting by bus to Umbara. The size of Bangalore and a strange language are handled as small issues.
Rama's infinite generosity, sharing her learnings. And the commitment of the women to take responsibility of their lives, and work hard at strengthening themselves. In the reality of crumbling livlihoods in the drought striken village.
Is creating magic. Will create more magic.
... wait, and soon you can order your readymade blouses here !
Touched by the magic of PaalaGuttaPalle
Ramila, Anitha, Roopa and Nirmala. And Gandhi.
In Gandhi Bhavan.
In Gandhi Bhavan.
From PaalaGuttaPalle Dalitwada to Bangalore.
In their quest.
To learn and establish their livlihoods.
In their quest.
To learn and establish their livlihoods.
Rural livlihoods.
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