Everytime you place an order with PaalaGuttaPalleBags you become part of these smiles ... smiles rooted in hard work, and in the fruits of hard work.
Smiles rooted in faith. Faith in self, in the world, in God.
This year the women made enough to share balance profits on Sankranti, over and above their monthly earnings. A substantial sum.
Money in the hands of women is money wisely spent.
Gold is something the poor invest in. Buying a little whenever there is surplus. An asset. That can be pawned and recovered in hard times. An asset that is solely the women's and will not be touched.
Thank you to all friends who have become part of this journey. Thus little saving means the world to these women who are assetless landless agricultural labourers. Now happy tailors of team PaalaGuttaPalle.
It has only happened because of the vast circle of goodwill and active support of so many friends. Of customers who became friends. Of friends who became customers
And you are the cause of these smiles.
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