In a country that is home to the ancient science of Ayurveda. In the country where the Ayurveda doctors are seeking space to address the epidemic, which in their system they are able to do with ease. Where the doctors are showing the patients who are coming to them and getting cured in hundreds.
It takes a peculiar kind of inferiority to argue against it. To keep desperately looking to an allopathy. Which by its own admission has no answers.
To wait indefinitely for an unproved untested vaccine to save the country. Instead of working with the experienced and confident Ayurveda doctors who are curing COVID positive in the here and now.
This deep rooted inferiority of the so called educated Indian is and has been the doom of this land.
I asked my daughter, "Why is every so called educated person seeking that Ayurveda explain itself it terms of allopathic terminologies ? They dont ask for allopathy to defend itself in terms of Vata Pitta and Kapha balance ?"
She said, "Because to them allopathy is the final knowlege frontier !"
Those who find it impossible to understand Ayurveda, without seeking allopathic explanations, are those who also find it impossible to understand India without testing her on western yardsticks.
Dr Girija asked me to to tell everyone in the village to have a kashayam of pepper, dhaniya and thippa theega (guduchi) which grows wildly. Daily. To prevent fevers.
I told Eashwaramma. She's telling all the children who have come for milk to tell their parents. Showing them the thippa theega creeper.
When children are convinced, things happen in homes !
Why is Charaka Samhita not part of high school biology ? As much as detailed allopathy is ?
One good friend has informed me, "Ayurveda cant handle it. Its a virus that has not been seen before."
Allopathy looks at the virus. It looks for a drug to shoot it down. The virus mutates, and allopathy needs to go back to the drawing board. For a new drug.
With increased use of drugs, mutations increase. And allopathy is gasping. As now.
Ayurveda, to put it very simply, works with the balance of the doshas of the body, vata, pitta and kapha. And when an external agent, could be a virus, creates an imbalance, the balance is restored thro medicines, diet and other prescriptions.
So when a new agent, or a new virus, affects the same process of diagnosis and treatment is followed. The medicines we have work. Ayurveda has a vast pharmocoepia.
This is how chikunguniya, dengue, swine flu were handled. I have seen these been treated effectively, efficiently by Dr. PLT Girija. That is how the Siddha and Ayurveda practitioners stepped in to help TN government address the dengue epidemic.
Viruses are everywhere. If the body gives them a fertile ground they come in and the person falls Ill. While another person in the same place does not.
So at the prevention level, the body balance of doshas is ensured. Corona is a kapha fever, and the preventive advice includes a diet, regimen abd medicines that prevent kapha from building in the body and creating a suitable ground for the virus.
Now please reread the note by Dr. PLT Girija, arguably the best ayurvedic doctor in India today. Read the para on precautions. The kashayam, the diet advise, the regimen.All are important.
Via @Bharat Ramu
Germ theory is one of the biggest western scams. Chinese medicine, Ayurveda and other indigenous medicine all deduce that the terrain imbalance cause disease. If there is no terrain imbalance, then Germs remain asymptomatic or cause an acute infection and disappear due to healthy immune system.
If I test COVID positive I will go to ayurveda for treatment. Without a second thought. I have seen the strength of ayurveda closely, in the hands of an experienced practitioner. As also in the treatment of COVID today.
But it also takes intellectual clarity. An understanding of roots. An understanding of the richness of our own sciences. And facing that modernity is not the glittering answer it is thought to be. Despite all the conditioning given to us. Starting from primary school.
I see few enough walk the path to any substantial distance. That deep is the conditioning of the superiority of the west and our own assumed inferiority.
One measure of this clarity is demanding that Ayurveda claim the space to handle this epidemic, versus waiting eagerly for this new fangled vaccine, with unknown side effects.
I wonder how many of us have that clarity ?
Here how many of us would head straight to Ayurveda if tested positive ?
Suman Bahuguna
When you repeatedly use the world quackery, I am forced to ask a question.
How exactly are allopathic doctors treating covid patients today? With a cocktail of drugs with no clue whether that would work. Why is nobody calling that quackery?
Yes. The whole world is working to do the work of 15 years in under a year.
Just like we can have 9 women deliver a child in a month.
Eastern medicine understands the body in a holistic way. Understand the mechanism in the Deterministic approach. English medicine tries to understand part by part and fails to get a holistic picture. So they need clinical trials. Which is stochastic in nature.
Narayana Sarma Ghadiyaram Venkata
luckily those trapped in the modern noose and asking for Ayurveda to be allopathic, are those who are English educated. An irrelevant minority. The people are seeking health, and seeking Ayurveda. They are the ones we need to build up with.Very unfortunately this tiny minority has disproportionate decision making power 

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