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One of my friends. From ground zero.
"Yogi and Modi both are faces of a cadre based organisation that has its ideological roots in India. Plus. Its has discipline. Thats one thing i will give to RSS. As an army kid i have respect for that. Disciple is a must. Thats something with no other party has. It has chaaploosi - flattery - but not discipline.
And BJP for whatever it is is talking in a language that at least attempts to present a larger vision, a vision larger than you own little home, your own little community. Everybody wants to expand in the mind. And the idea of a nationhood, India being reverential is that. BJP via Mr. Modi has done that very very well.
My take is, all is good for India. Its a huge churning. The demise of the old, decayed political ideological notions. Its a wave that started a long time ago, its peaking now. Another decade plus, this too shall pass and be replaced by - god willing - something fresher, even more rooted.
The Jallikattu protests are an indicator of what creative options can appear in the future of politics in India. That will still take much time to happen in the North. We are too uprooted here from our social-cultural traditions. Not much pride. Colonisation, and before that the Invasions, got to us very bad. We lost inner belief, self respect. This is its own a way a reaction to all that.
The more grounded response will come only later. I have hope, tremendous hope."
30Sonali Rao, Krishna Kanth and 28 others
- what is your take aparna?
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- I have suspended my opinions on N.India. Because I think I had the pulse wrong - completely. I am now trying to understand what people on the ground think and feel. I am seeking the reality.7
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- After that I will form my opinion.2
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- I loved that response fromAparna Krishnan2
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- What to do. If we were wrong, we need to return to the people, and learn afresh. Correct ourselves.6
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Active - 'churning' .. that's why i even support demonitisation.. (yes it helped corporate, and caused many struggles to people financially.. but why people doesn't rebel?). but one cannot assume how much good this did to indian common people, and to psychoogy of future india.. It is something no other move can bring..which cannot be explained but can only feel. this churning is good for india.. In other words essential for india to survive from this slavery...What ever explanation given to election results like so called 'social engineering' or what not.. they cannot express why people supported demonitisation.. understanding this phenomenon with integrity,honesty will result in understanding, sensing a crypto churning movement in this land, and it's own people, which will shape future..1
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- Waiting, watching.
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- I seriously dobut if our form of Democracy is worth all that self doubt,Aparna Krishnan.Contestants gave 8000Rs to 10000Rs here for one MLC vote. And you keep reserving your opinions about electoral results vs peoples' wisdom for ever. cool.3
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- ' We our nationhood defined' and 'bunch of thoughts' by RSS guru Golwalkar ..hope then you will get to know the hateful ideology of this disciplined cadre party and what this 'huge churning' is all about...ofcourse along with your ground research4
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- Extremely disappointing that you should be putting out posts that are apologies for that hate monger. If the reports from the ground are being sent by BJP loving friends such as the one above, it is a very skewed picture that takes no account of how the minorities feel. This new rather approving manner of your posts with regard to the BJP leaves me amazed. What of the Muslims raped and killed by vicious proponents of Hindutva? They do not figure anywhere in these reports?2
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Hide 17 Replies- What if I sent you 'ground reports' from Brahmin majority villages on how caste based reservations were a menace? Would you then forget that Dalits have a voice too?1
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- I seek the maximum details possible from the 'common people'. And then I use my intelligence and discretion in making my decision.
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- I am not defending anyone Jayshree, and at the same time after seeing the public wave I know that I have lost the pulse. I have also stopped believing the media. I am seeking the truth for myself. If I could I would travel the country now, town by town and village by village. To understand.2
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- Common people can come from people of different faiths. Your friends in their haste to validate this communal government completely forgot to ask the affected minorities.1
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- No, these friends are not BJP. They have their roots in villagers and villages. The realities have to come from there. Yes, I want many more truths. But all from the ground.1
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- Those of us who oppose the BJP are opposing it because it represents the corporates and not the people. And your misguided friends are fawning over them from the ground or from the heavens above - it matters not.1
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- Jayshree Shuklain my humble opinion are you not judging her friends without knowing them?2
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- Yes, i object to the sweeping comment on my friends. And i am afraid you are losing the woods for the trees. The take home is the last three paras.1
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- Certain themes are common and persist between our posts... We do not support bjp nor all it's policies.. we only appreciate a few good decisions by the present incumbent and equally don't for their bad ones.. having said that our sanskriti is of utmost importance to uphold... And that sanskriti is common for all Indians3
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- Agree completely. Finally it is the country and the people that count, and we need to look at situations and realities in a balanced and honest manner - preferably ignoring the media, and searching out our own sources from the ground.2
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- ButHarish Balaskandan, BJP has not done anything fro Sanskrit or Sanskriti or Ayurveda !!
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- Yes it's all election manifesto at the moment, lot of changes need to happen. But I feel there is too much judging and bashing each of their moves vehemently that we are illusioned by the media... If everyone keeps quiet and put positive pressure on them to deliver what is needed for India instead of just opposing all the time, we may see some light... MAY!1
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- //Every framework needs to be questioned, especially the one we most believe in// absolutely Raghurama Rao Suswaram and I feel our sanskriti more than anything else supports this realisation path!
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- It's not personal, Mr Harish Balaskandan. I am only concerning myself with what they write and what they write is deeply objectionable. It completely makes light of the persecution of a community. AndAparna, feel free to delete my comments if you object to them. I protested because I too found your post very troubling. Dissent is my right. But it's your post, your wall, your friends and therefore, your call to make.1
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- As I said all views are welcome and needed today. We need the ground truths. Also maybe because I know my friends closely and well and respect their grounding and work with villages and artisans that I can understand the post clearly. And also they come from a position of complete respect for the common man and his wisdom, as I do.1
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- That's is why we should strive away from extremist views, which is there in all communities and think from a grounded view, which Aparna is pointing out is in villages... Trust me her posts were difficult to understand, when I first knew her, now I understand what she is writing about2
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- i say simple things, but it has the learning and corrections of 20 years in the village. i realize that one also needs to walk those years to understand what i am trying to say.2
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Active - Discipline is a tricky situation. There's the classroom discipline where you're not allowed to speak, think. And there's a discipline like Gandhi ji, or rule over self. The rss comes in the first category. There is discipline required to carry out blasts in masjids, or trains, coordination required for inciting violence by throwing meat pieces in auspicious areas. Unfortunately it is done by people who have stopped thinking for themselves. I don't envy such discipline.3
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Hide 13 Replies- The last two paragraphs are most important.1
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- Para 1 is OK. If Friend values discipline so be it. I too do. Nothing to get het up about. Para 2 is the ground truth. Many people have seen in BJP a larger nationalism and cause. Friend is simply reporting this. And I have also seen that fact. Sadly I do not see that happenning from BJPs own actions, for instance thare has been no development in the growth of Ayurveda. But if in some tangential way Indians do overcome their colonized bagage and come into their own being, I would welcome it.1
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- And Jayshree, I am NOT saying I accept as morally valid all that I hear on the ground. Or need to. But we need to understand all that, and in that understanding make out own positions.
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- Well, since you were admiring their discipline I thought I might mention that their discipline has been used to many great purposes such as murder of the father of the nation.1
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- Anyway the point of the post was very very different.
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- lol No-Aparna Krishnanthe debate is not trivial. The right wing hates Gandhi, who talked about Sanskriti and identitiy and everything. Many Gandhians got coopted by Congress, one of the lousiest, westernised entity ever, so BJP got the opportunity to hijack all that Gandhi stood for, while being his exact antithesis in reality. And I am concerned, that you are slowly taking a anti-narenian position in your enthusiasm for 'people's wisdom'.1
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- SorryNarayana Sarmahow is BJP is antithesis of Gandhi? I think we leave out debate on Gandhi and BJP as both the left and right believes certain tested inferences. What I am trying to achieve is get my heritage back, stop people ridiculing my age old customs and get my identity back. So without including politics here, how can we achieve it. Unfortunately all our invasions has left our heritage in shambles and people follow it are shamed. Tell me when will people stop picking my practices which I believe with my heart and ridicule it. Of course leave out Sati, child marriage etc... Which were from a different era.2
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- Sorry Harish, my answer to your 'when' is 'never'.Saddam hussain wanted his heritage back and could not get it. Prabhakaran died fighting for some cause he believed would be good for his people. Even the very powerful Donald Trump is facing ridicule because he wants his nation to think about itself. To me the challenge is "following what you believe in is right" and there will always be opposing forces around. Let me submit that No amount of BJP and no amount of RSS can get you away from opposition. It will always exist- unless you prefer the nazi way of eliminating the opposition altogether.
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- Narayana Sarmanot at all Narayana. I am not at all defending BJP. Or RSS !! Far from it. The post from a friend who is also in the same position as me. Our primary need is to understand the narattives from the ground. Why has BJP been voted in ? Have we missed something ? Does it give us a clue to people's understandings. In this case I think it shows as my friend says a larger yearning for a larger reality. That BJP may be saying sanskrit and sanskriti, and actually playing the opposite gane could be a byline. From many stories I hear that they see BJP as a 'return to roots'. That for me is a very important understanding. And that we need to clue into to create our own dynamics also. Jallikattu is one ... The time may have come for many many rooted engagements.1
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- My position stays solidly Naren's. And Gandhi's.
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- Narayana SarmaI clearly said let us leave out BJP or Gandhi out of this and think how we can achieve our heritage as common folks. Saddam Hussain, Prabharan used in the same context, seriously? What kind of opposition are you talking about? Can you explain please?1
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- I am talking about peaceful coexistence. The problem today is people have a notion for themselves and follow it rigorously thinking "I am doing what is right". But unless they leave out ego, selfishness and self centeredness what they think as right is not right. So what solution do you have to get India's identity back?1
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- People comment on RSS discipline as if they really worked in RSS, surprising !!!
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Active - Here is someone analysing the objective condition prevailing without bias and abuses. Pressing one's point should not be laden with abusive words which we are witnessing these days for ' for and against'
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