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We have a dog, Chunchun. It wandered in tiny and scrawny from the road when it was a two week puppy. We gave it some milk, and it adopted us. It has a collar, but no chain, and goes down the street socializing with its dog friends, and comes home when it wishes to.
It does not worry about global warming, and chemical farming, and inequities, and malnourished puppies. Because it and its clan never caused these in the first place. It spends most of the day 'uselessly' (and harmlessly) snoozeing.
Humans, first do no harm - with ACs, cars, greed and consuming like Bahasuras. Activism comes later as a subsequent mopping operation.
Meet Mr Chunchun.
He wandered in a skinny tiny puppy. Either abandoned. Or seperated from his mother in the streets in the hell of Diwali crackers.
He quietly and simply adopted us that day, without a question. And has made our lives so much more full for the past 10 years.
A dog fills up a home. And hearts.
By its silence. By its simple love. By it non judgemental acceptance. By by simple need of two meals a day and no more.
And lives a life that we sorely need to be reminded of.
We have a dog. It wandered in as a forlorn hungry puppy and adopted us. It eats twice a day and sleeps in the sun and gives its affection to us and to passers by. It does nothing useful at all.
I rave against the world. I try to do my bit to 'save the world'. I create demand for thermal plants and hydroelectric dams for the fan spinning overhead and for this very FB post. But I sign petitions for the adivasis displaced by both. I talk about the harms of plastic, but the provisions I buy come prepackaged in plastic.
My noise level is more than my dog's. My harm potential is more than my dog's. My self righteousness is more than my dog's.
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