Friday, 21 June 2019

Brain Drain, perceptions.

There was a term 'brain drain' prevelant in my college days. Referring to those who has chosen USA and other lands as their own. Over this.
Today I am aghast. At the presumptions in that loaded term.
At what constitutes 'brain'. At who one assumes has it. At the implied superiority. Of those who left.
  • Tamher Mowan Couldn't have agreed more. As someone who vehemently made the choice of staying in my motherland and working for her in whatever little ways I can, I do hold the people who left in good regard and respect their choices, however the implied superiority some of them have about themselves is something I can never fathom. It amuses me, in a certain way. Perhaps I am not sufficiently educated to understand the nuances of it, maybe? I do not know. But it is certainly something I cannot understand why. I believe everybody, whether it's my brethren who stay with me and work for my country, or the ones who leave for reasons best known to them, are equal to me. It pains me to see those who left the motherland claim superiority, but sigh, I resign myself and accept things as they are, and carry on doing what I can. But we shall all work for the betterment of humanity, regardless of where we come from or where we are or how we do it. One day at a time. More power to people like you. Nimmage namma gauravanvita namaskaaragalu.
  • Aparna Krishnan I don't care if they feel superior or otherwise. My complaint is that we consider them so when we term it brain drain !

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