Hand holding, without seeming to.
Leading them to the best of cutting styles. Allowing them to discover their own strength. Their own style.
It has left the women feeling positive and happy. And now they are planning on going today to procure blouse material.
To embark on this new chapter.
The village attracts the best of people. The very best !
... a month later

500/- each for the initial fund. We have bought cloth from Kothapeta. We will make send send to Rama madam, and ask her for further advice on how to improve."
Our friend Rama Narayanan had come down all the way from Bangalore. To help the women learn readymade blouses.
In her inimitable way she handed over the learnings. In a way that looked simple and possible. And asked the women to follow up with her, promising all help.
The women then were very busy with bag orders for the festival days. But this was on their minds.
The simplicity of the phone call today.
Of this initiative rooted in co-operation, courage, tenacity,faith.
Each woman who was confused, aided by those who are more experianced. With patience.
Every day I am amazed. By the strength of the Inida at the grassroots.
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