Sasi, fatherless, and care of grandmother Eashwaramma, herself very poor and in poorer health, needs an elder male presence in his life. Otherwise lovely child as he is, I tremble he may go astray. Drinking and other temptations are all too easily available to the youth today. I am deeply grateful to Prasad for trying to engage Sasi from afar. All said and done, i am more like an impatient pedamma to him, 'have you had your medicines', 'have you studied' ... not exactly the stuff dream are made of. So I am not much use as an inspiration.
Village children despite the vast goodness of villages, are on the brink today. Their schooling and the TV has given them aspirations and no way to reach them. They neither have the desire, post schooling, to take up traditional occupations, nor is any other employment available to them. There is urgent need for people to engage with them, and together with them look for answers.
Employment is the biggest challenge in these changing times. A simple rotating capital becomes so important to people. Annapurna was simply delaying her 'pickle making', and today she asked me if i could advance her a loan for the expenses. To borrow money at 120% interest is a deterrent to the people. And that is the rate local moneylenders ask ! I told her to take the money.
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