Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Mindless economics.

What is this mindless economics, where pricing is done on basis of supply and demand ?

The Nilgiri tribals collect honey, risking life and limb to get it from overhanging precipices The cost of the honey should be what we owe a person who risks his life to collect it. Not 'supply-demand' costing of markets.

The village people make pickles, and we buy it 'at a price that gives them a living wage'. Nothing less. Goes against modern economics ? 

Towards this policies have to change - and more so, hearts. Kumarappa is his 'Economics of Permanence' of Gandhian economics and communisim in its 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his need' have said all this before and  in great theoritical clarity. It is upto us to practice it in our own day to day purchasing.  

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