Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Village teeth care

Neem, kaanuga (Pongamia pinnata) and neeredu (Syzygium cumini) twigs are commonly used as toothsticks. Sandra (Acacia chundra) twigs are frothy to chew on. Pedda eranda (Jatropha curcas) twigs strengthen the teeth. Uttareni (Achyranthes aspera) root is also very good to brush teeth with. The kuntaginjeeraaku (Eclipta prostrata) leaves which grow on the bunds are chewed in the mornings to clean the mouth, as also tender mango leaves. Coal is also used to clean the teeth, and people are often chewing on a piece of coal in the mornings. Coal of mango wood is considered superior, and Bharati would come home in the mornings to take the coal from my fire stove, as I would use mango wood as fuel.

For swollen gums, pedda eranda (Jatropha curcas) milk is rubbed. My daughter immediately responded. It is also good for stomach ulcers and mouth ulcers that are caused due to stomach ulcers. Juttipaaku milk, mixed with salt, is also rubbed over the gums if they are swollen. Water and bad blood drains out.

To remove worms in the teeth, the raama mulaka (Solanum xanthoporum) fruit is used. Water is boiled in a small pot and a heated sickle is put over the pot and the fruits are placed on it. A coconut shell is placed over it and sealed with cowdung. A papaya leaf stalk is placed into a hole made a the top if the shell, and the steam is directed to the rotten tooth. On application of this steam the worms drop out of the teeth one by one.

The deep red decoction of nalla thumma (Acacia arabica ) is kept in the mouth for awhile to strengthen gums.

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