Monday, 1 December 2014

Wound Healing in Ayurveda

In allopathy healing of deep wounds, and sores like bed sores is a very difficult process. There are only external and internal antibiotics which clean the wound. In ayurveda there are medicines which ‘clean, join, and heal’ the wounds. ‘Vrana sodhana, sandhana, ropana’ – there are medicines which handle all of these processes.

There are clear instructions of food and regimen restraints which will enhance the healing process. There is also a clear stipulation that the wound should not hastily healed till it is completely cleansed of dosas.

Pichimuthu (M/55)

Medical History

The patient is a mason from a neighbouring colony, and was recommended to Sanjeevani by his co-worker.  He came with a very bad wound which had eaten deep into the flesh and was full of pus.

Five years ago while working, a heavy stone had fallen on his foot, and he had gone to the government hospital at Stanley. He was kept on bed for a month, and then was advised to go to General Hospital where an operation would be done to graft  flesh from the thigh into the wound. Afraid of the operation, he came away.

After that he has been on many allopathic medications, and the wound would superficially heal, but in weeks or months would again open up. He was also not advised on eating habits to help the wound heal, and would drink liquor. When he came his leg was swollen and painful and he was barely able to put it on the ground. The wound was open and had eaten deep into the flesh. It was full of pus.


The patient came with excruciating pain and exudation. The would was dressed with Triphala, Padiga, Padigara, Kungilyam. He was prescribed Guggulu Tikta Kashayam, Ekavimsathika Guggulu internally.
When he came 3 days later again for the next dressing , the swelling was less and the oozing had stopped. Guggulutikta Gritham was added. Another 3 days later, the wound was looking clean.

In two weeks, the wound was looking clean, and his wife said that for the first time in all these years flesh had covered the deep wound.
After another two weeks, the flesh had completely covered the wound, which looked quite healed. He came to the clinic by bus, and was able to walk with minimal pain. By April 25th there was only slight swelling.
He was advised to also take Ashwagandhadhi, along with the earlier medicines. Jathyadi gritham was given to him for external application.



In less than 6 weeks, a bad ulcer of 5 years got completely healed. The patient who could barely walk, was able to come by bus. The flesh had filled up completely too.


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