Kiranmayi of the next village Kumarapalle is the child of a potter. She had a boil on her foot which was treated badly at the local PHC, and led to wasteing away of the leg. She used to scramble up and down the tank bund and drag herself to school. When she was in 6th we managed to get a Jaipur foot fixed, and she started walking with a crutch fixed. When her mother saw her daughter stand erect for the first time in her life - I saw her eyes fill up.
The family is utterly poor. They are potters by birth, and also treat herpes for all villagers free - as is the mandate of potters. The mother grazes sheep. The father does odd painting jobs. Pottery stopped a generation ago as demand for pots slowly died. I have never seen the mother without a smile, and she used to be strikingly beautiful. Then she underwent a hysterectomy after a scare by the local doctors and her health was badly affected. She came home the other day for ayurvedic medicines. And she was then telling me how they had even taken Kiran to Bangalore as an infant in a hope to save the leg. She said that she spent months weeping over the child till she went there and saw children far worse off. And then she dried her tears.
August 2015

... and she finished her BA, then her MSW and is a post graduate !
I'm so so proud today. Seeing this resume.
This 23 year old child. Born in a poor potters family near our village. Handicapped from birth. Has today on her own strength and persistence reached this position of
MSW (Master of Social
Work), a post graduate.
I've known her since she was in Class 5, coming to the primary school in our village, dragging herself across the ups and downs, and during assembly time standing erect on one leg. We managed the Jaipur leg later on.
The father used to do dryland farming, and some painting works on the side. Her mother would graze sheep. They struggled to bring up their three children.
Kiranmayee is the eldest child. And they did everything in their power to make her dreams come true. Against all odds.
And today she sent me this resume !
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