PETA’s FAQ on Jallikattu: Hypocrisy exposed!
People – Animal relationship over the times.

PETA Statement 1: Jallikattu exploits bulls’ natural nervousness as prey animals by deliberately placing them in a terrifying situation in which they are forced to run away from those they perceive as predators. As PETA India has documented in Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI)–authorised inspections, the bulls become so frightened by the mob of men who participate that they slip, fall, run into barriers and traffic – and even jump off cliffs in their desperate attempts to escape – frequently leading to broken bones or death.

Our Answer:
The tradition is even if a drop of the bull’s blood is spilt, the event will be stopped. Not a single bull was injured in the events. There has been no death of any bull in JK event.
In rare instances, such accidents may happen. Out of 600 bulls participating in an event, barely a few are affected by such accidents; the AWBI could cite only one bull which died due to an accident with a truck (bringing urban visitors to the venue), and few other bulls which got injured. Does AWBI have records of number of bulls killed in JK events all through the years? More cattle are killed on roads than due to JK. The bull death as mentioned in the AWBI evidence was due to the bull escaping outside the collecting area and running into the roads. This happens even when they are grazed. More cattle are killed on roads. As seen in the video, a bull jumps into a dried out pond of 5-6 feet depth, not off a cliff as exaggerated by PETA. The intentions of these groups have been suspect from day one. They are not interested in regulating the event but to stop them completely. They don't show the same vigour in stopping horse racing.
The tradition is even if a drop of the bull’s blood is spilt, the event will be stopped. Not a single bull was injured in the events. There has been no death of any bull in JK event.
In rare instances, such accidents may happen. Out of 600 bulls participating in an event, barely a few are affected by such accidents; the AWBI could cite only one bull which died due to an accident with a truck (bringing urban visitors to the venue), and few other bulls which got injured. Does AWBI have records of number of bulls killed in JK events all through the years? More cattle are killed on roads than due to JK. The bull death as mentioned in the AWBI evidence was due to the bull escaping outside the collecting area and running into the roads. This happens even when they are grazed. More cattle are killed on roads. As seen in the video, a bull jumps into a dried out pond of 5-6 feet depth, not off a cliff as exaggerated by PETA. The intentions of these groups have been suspect from day one. They are not interested in regulating the event but to stop them completely. They don't show the same vigour in stopping horse racing.
PETA Statement 2: As can be seen in the documentation, Jallikattu participants purposely disorient the bulls by forcing them to consume alcohol; twist and bite their tails; stab and jab them with sickles, spears, knives and sticks; cause them intense pain by yanking their nose ropes; and punch them, jump on them and drag them to the ground.
Our Answer:
Cattle can drink by bending down only when there is a wide opening vessel or tank with water. When the water is given to them in a bottle, it is exactly like giving a child or cattle medicine. We have to raise the head and force feed it. Concluding the liquid is alcohol is presumptuous. It is common practice to give glucose water or plain water.
Cattle can drink by bending down only when there is a wide opening vessel or tank with water. When the water is given to them in a bottle, it is exactly like giving a child or cattle medicine. We have to raise the head and force feed it. Concluding the liquid is alcohol is presumptuous. It is common practice to give glucose water or plain water.
The accusation of giving arrack to bulls shows the deeply entrenched hatred the urban elite has for our villages, lifestyle, culture. Who makes arrack in Tamilnadu? With a TASMAC in every corner, who is bothered to take the risk to distill arrack. Amidst all the regulations and scrutiny, which bull owner will risk giving alcohol to the bulls? Glucose water is given to bulls for stamina. This is a classic example of the negative portrayal of the sport and rural India as such. Out of the 10,000 instances of bulls let out a year, these activists have produced images/videos of ONE bull where an offence might have taken place. How many instances of consumption of alcohol cases have AWBI recorded and initiated action against? They have the power to identify the owner and take action against him under the PCA Act. Each bull is registered with them with photographs as well as the owner's information. The stakeholders like farmers, organizers, wellwishers are all eager to regulate the events to address concerns and have diligently followed the regulations as inspected and verified by the Govt administration.
Every rule has an exception. We regulate to curtail the exceptions, but not to end the sport. The approach of the activists from day one has been to use any means to end Jallikattu at any cost.
PETA Statement 3: We are targeting all cruelty to animals, not just Jallikattu. A 7 July 2011 notification in The Gazette of India made using bulls as performing animals illegal. This applies to Jallikattu, kambala, bull races, bullfights and other uses of bulls for performances.
Our Answer:
Can PETA or AWBI or BCI or any of the noble animal welfare organizations explain how Bulls are in a list of animals like Lion, Tiger, Panther, Bear & Monkey? Animal husbandry is a state subject and after the passing of the Tamilnadu Regulation of Jallikattu Act, these organisations used back door lobbying to put bulls in a list under the PCA. By doing so, the subject became part of the Union Govt territory and this is the reason why the honorable Supreme Court found the TNRJ repugnant to the PCA.
Can PETA or AWBI or BCI or any of the noble animal welfare organizations explain how Bulls are in a list of animals like Lion, Tiger, Panther, Bear & Monkey? Animal husbandry is a state subject and after the passing of the Tamilnadu Regulation of Jallikattu Act, these organisations used back door lobbying to put bulls in a list under the PCA. By doing so, the subject became part of the Union Govt territory and this is the reason why the honorable Supreme Court found the TNRJ repugnant to the PCA.
These foreign funded animal rights groups target only traditional livestock keepers, native dogs and ignore horse racing, temple elephants. There is a clear agenda behind their campaigns. Destruction of our native species. They drain Corporations across the country of money in the name of curtailing stray dogs but actually kill them, kidnap them and dump them in other areas. This group will not go after imported dog owners. Isn't it wrong to take pedigree breeds that are from colder climates and are used to living in large open spaces and restrict them to cramped households here and in this hot weather?
These animal rights activists will not go after this as the pet industry is growing at a rapid rate and was estimated to be 5000 crore industry in 2013. (…/3760-market-report-petfood…).
The pet food pie is burgeoning at over three times the rate of packaged foods market. American firm Mars controls the pet food market in India with close to a 70 per cent share, followed by various smaller players.(…/64725458_1_p…)
Six global pet food and accessory brands enter India
Why is PETA silent about abuse of horses in the Army or Horse Racing? Has it also considered horse racing a serious enough issue like Jallikattu? What have these activists done to stop horse racing? What happens to race horses that get injured, lose regularly?
PETA India has steadfastly maintained its silence about horse racing in India. Even if the FAQ PETA has released, there is only a link to the US PETA website on horse racing. Beyond providing a link in their FAQ, what legal action or media campaign has PETA initiated in India? When they have so many celebrities endorsing their anti-Jallikattu campaign and so many senior counsel offering services pro-bono, why hasn't PETA done anything?
One wonders why there is almost no report about the abuses taking place during horse races patronised by the mega rich and elite in India while PETA India has been vehement in opposing horse-cart carriages of Mumbai which were the sole livelihood of hundreds of poor eking out a meager income to sustain their poverty-stricken families.
Is it not obvious that the targets of these enlightened activists are carefully chosen so as to ensure no one hits back? Will they take on the Army or Police for using horses, sniffer dogs? Then how come the dogged pursuit of Jallikattu alone, despite the fact that the Supreme Court allowed the same with regulations and the Tamilnadu Govt enacted the Tamilnadu Regulation of Jallikattu Act 2009.
PETA Statement 4: Furthermore, Hindus commonly worship bulls in temples honouring Lord Shiva by gently touching the forehead of Nandi’s idol. If some miscreants were to enter Lord Shiva’s temple and desecrate Nandi’s idol, people would not stand for it. Then why support abuse of real-life bulls of Lord Shiva?
Our Answer:
What gives PETA the right to dictate terms of our religion? VEGANISM & ANIMAL LIBERATION are alien concepts in a society like India where livestock are integral in our lives. Some are vegetarian, many are meat eaters. Hinduism is an amalgamation of a million local religious practices. Locals here believe if their bulls are not released in Jallikattu, they will incur the wrath of the gods.
What gives PETA the right to dictate terms of our religion? VEGANISM & ANIMAL LIBERATION are alien concepts in a society like India where livestock are integral in our lives. Some are vegetarian, many are meat eaters. Hinduism is an amalgamation of a million local religious practices. Locals here believe if their bulls are not released in Jallikattu, they will incur the wrath of the gods.
'Hundreds of statues and temples have been built for Jallikattu bulls all over Tamilnadu.
The temple bulls are given good care till they die a natural death and are accorded the last rites as it would be done for a human being. Then the body is buried. The body is exhumed after offering special pujas one year later. The horns are removed and a statue of the bull is built sporting the real horns are placed in the statue. Please google jallikattu bull funeral and you will see for yourself what real animal love is.
Tamilnadu has been a true multi-cultural society for ages. People from all over India have made Tamilnadu their home. People of several linguistic ethnicities and several religions have lived in harmony for centuries. People speaking various languages like Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Saurashtrian, Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi etc have made Tamilnadu their home and proudly participate in Jallikattu and support it.
Jallikattu is essentially a Hindu religious temple tradition. Even though people embraced other religions, they continued with the tradition of Jallikattu. Hence today, we can see Hindus, Christians and Muslims participating in Jallikattu. There are numerous churches which celebrate Jallikattu and many churches even have 'Temple bulls'!
Jallikattu, in which people from all walks of life participate as equals, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, language or affluence, has become a shining example of India' s multi-cultural, multi-lingual, secularism.
PETA Statement 5: If there’s essentially no monetary benefit to the farmer and no tickets are sold, then the farmers aren’t financially worse off with a ban on Jallikattu and should have no increased incentive to sell their bulls to slaughter.
Our Answer:
Farmers bring their cattle to be sold in weekly/monthly & annual shandies. Brokers will take the cattle from the farmers and hold them to be displayed to prospective buyers. Buyers fall into 3-4 categories.
Farmers bring their cattle to be sold in weekly/monthly & annual shandies. Brokers will take the cattle from the farmers and hold them to be displayed to prospective buyers. Buyers fall into 3-4 categories.
1) One is the Jallikattu enthusiast who will buy the bulls and male calves mostly.
2) Buyers of oxen for farming/transport.
3) Buyers of cows for breeding and household usage.
4) Beef Traders who are mostly if not all agents of export companies & slaughter houses based in Kerala. They buy all cattle as they are only interested in meat.
Many farmers might not sell the adult bulls, but they will sell the
younger male calves they are rearing for Jallikattu. When there is no Jallikattu, people will not buy young male calves to be reared for the events and as stud bulls. Gene pool will be affected paving the way for crossbreeds and artificial insemination.
younger male calves they are rearing for Jallikattu. When there is no Jallikattu, people will not buy young male calves to be reared for the events and as stud bulls. Gene pool will be affected paving the way for crossbreeds and artificial insemination.
When a ban is in place, the simple supply-demand equation gets skewed. There are no takers in the first category, which means the bulls will only sought by the 4th category i.e. beef traders. With no demand from Jallikattu enthusiasts, the prices of such prized bulls fall to rock bottom rates and are lapped up by the beef traders. The accusations of animal activists that farmers are sending them to slaughter is ridiculous and downright depraved. By killing the market for bulls to be used in Jallikattu, the animal rights activists are directly responsible for sending bulls to slaughter. There is a huge demand for Bos Indicus variety beef in the Gulf, Malaysia & Western countries. It is considered an exotic & healthy meat just like the country chicken.
Tamilnadu is predominantly a water-starved, dry state. The farmers of Tamilnadu have traditionally been livestock keepers. Livestock keeping is what has helped the farmers of Tamilnadu to survive even though there is not much water available for agriculture. The bullocks were primarily used for ploughing and as draught animals for pulling carts. With the advent of tractors and mini trucks, the bulls have been phased out of these jobs. So their primary purpose today is that of a stud bull. Jallikattu bulls are the village stud bulls.
The cattle breeds of Tamilnadu are hard workers which provide very little milk. So native breed cows are valued not for their milk but for their ability to produce healthy male progeny. The Tamil community celebrates the birth of its male calves while the western world condemns its male animals – one-day old chicken are ground alive and fed as feed for chicken and cattle; a male calf, which is devoured as 'delicious' veal, would be kept alive for a maximum of one year.
No self respecting animal rights activist has ever addressed this danger. This is what stares at us if we lose our small & marginal farmer owned cattle.
PETA Statement 6: Cattle breeds are largely manipulated by humans to suit their own “needs” – such as increased milk production. Changes in breed don’t mean the extinction of a species. Domesticated cattle are not at risk of being on the endangered species list. The community can come up with ways that genuinely honour these bulls and that keep the animals in their lives without the cruelty that’s been deemed unacceptable by the Supreme Court.
Our Answer:
Livestock Census Data 1992-2012
There is negligible government support for Native Cattle. Only events like Jallikattu are the reason for people to rear male calves. Will PETA or AWBI or FIAPO be ready to release a white paper on the prevalence of male indigenous calves in the regions where such events are held? This is an open challenge to them. We are ready to do a joint study wherever these events are held.
In an RTI reply, AWBI has said the following:
There is negligible government support for Native Cattle. Only events like Jallikattu are the reason for people to rear male calves. Will PETA or AWBI or FIAPO be ready to release a white paper on the prevalence of male indigenous calves in the regions where such events are held? This is an open challenge to them. We are ready to do a joint study wherever these events are held.
In an RTI reply, AWBI has said the following:
“The Board has not given any plan or report to MoEF &CC detailing the steps to be taken to save Jallikattu Bulls in Tamilnadu"
"The information regarding number of Jallikattu bulls that have died or sent to slaughter during the year 2014 is not available with the Board.”
One of the petitioners, FIAPO, has posted on its official Facebook page that,
"The court order is a stay, and the legal battle still prevails. Plans for rehabilitation are a must, but in the bigger picture, we're talking about not having any more of these bulls at all!”
“We meant to say that while we should think about rehabilitation of these animals, the passing of this order would mean that rehabilitation is a worry we won't have in a few years down the line as there will no bulls reared for it. Right now, it perpetuates because there is a demand and therefore the question of rehabilitation becomes important."
These are the glorious vanguards of animal welfare in India.
PETA Statement 7: In addition, a veterinarian would be able to inform villagers which bull is healthy much better than the outcome of a Jallikattu event could.
Our Answer:
Does PETA understand selective breeding and gene pool? Each bull is sold to another village in order to avoid inbreeding. Jallikattu events are the places where the BEST OF THE BREEDS are identified.
Does PETA understand selective breeding and gene pool? Each bull is sold to another village in order to avoid inbreeding. Jallikattu events are the places where the BEST OF THE BREEDS are identified.
Stud Bulls are reared by people for Jallikattu. The ones winning are much in demand for servicing the cows. Small farmers cannot afford to keep stud bulls, so each village has a common Temple Bull which services the cows of the village. Jallikattu is the show where Bulls are brought and exhibited. The ones which are most agile, virile are preferred by farmers. The calves from such bulls are in demand. Just like how pedigree is used in breeding dogs, horses, Jallikattu gives that pedigree to the bulls.
The intricate connect between these events and farming can be seen from the chronological order in which showcase events like Jallikattu happen first, then the Shandies and then the main farming season starts. Once harvest is done, farmers take their bulls to participate in such events over the next few months; Spectators & visitors make a note of the top bulls and seek them out in Sandhais (Cattle Shandies/Markets) which happen from December till April all over Tamilnadu. The calves and bulls are bought for Jallikattu and some of their offspring will be castrated and used as draught animals in transport/farming.
Stud Bulls need to be alert, virile, and agile. In the peak of their reproductive period, they need to secrete the necessary male hormones and experience adrenalin rushes and pumping hearts. They need this for them to be virile. This is in the interest of the species as Selective Breeding is done to propagate the species. Stud Bulls are used for Jallikattu and mating only. Experienced Bulls enjoy the situation and display a well thought out exit from the Vaadi Vaasal. Many of them show off by shaking their heads as a warning. This shows the familiarity with the Jallikattu events.
Many people who care for animals don't understand that nature creates each species with an unique characteristic & behavior and within a species a bull, an ox, a cow and calves all are different. Isn't it ignorance if we say a Pomeranian is the same as a Rottweiler and all dogs are the same?
PETA Statement 8: PETA India is an animal rights organisation, and our motto is, in part, “animals are not ours to eat”. We advocate a vegan lifestyle, which means we have no interest in promoting foreign breeds of cattle for meat or dairy production, and in fact, we actively campaign against the meat and dairy industries because of their inherent cruelty.
Our Answer:
Knowingly or unknowingly PETA India is playing into the hands of the dairy milk and beef industry. Jallikattu bulls which presently provide studding services are the cheapest and best source of studding services. With a ban on Jallikattu, it is apparent that the stud bulls of the Indian Native Cattle breeds have already started vanishing. At the same time the MNC companies are promoting sex-selected semen vigorously. With not many Indian Native Cattle around, the imported semen would most likely be that of exotic breeds only. This will lead to a situation where in the Indian farmers will become totally dependent on MNCs for impregnating their cows, in a few years from now. They will be forced to use imported exotic breed semen thus producing hybrids. This will lead to total extinction of Indian Native cattle breeds. Hence it is obvious that PETA India is unwittingly promoting foreign breeds of cattle.
Knowingly or unknowingly PETA India is playing into the hands of the dairy milk and beef industry. Jallikattu bulls which presently provide studding services are the cheapest and best source of studding services. With a ban on Jallikattu, it is apparent that the stud bulls of the Indian Native Cattle breeds have already started vanishing. At the same time the MNC companies are promoting sex-selected semen vigorously. With not many Indian Native Cattle around, the imported semen would most likely be that of exotic breeds only. This will lead to a situation where in the Indian farmers will become totally dependent on MNCs for impregnating their cows, in a few years from now. They will be forced to use imported exotic breed semen thus producing hybrids. This will lead to total extinction of Indian Native cattle breeds. Hence it is obvious that PETA India is unwittingly promoting foreign breeds of cattle.
PETA Statement 9: All religions call for compassion, and no religion requires meat-eating.
Our Answer:
How did PETA India conclude that NO religion requires meat-eating? What evidence have they produced in this regard? Hindus have traditionally sacrificed animals and birds as per their traditional religious beliefs and practices. They are predominantly meat eaters. PETA India should not preach to us about what our religious practices are.
How did PETA India conclude that NO religion requires meat-eating? What evidence have they produced in this regard? Hindus have traditionally sacrificed animals and birds as per their traditional religious beliefs and practices. They are predominantly meat eaters. PETA India should not preach to us about what our religious practices are.
PETA Statement 10: PETA India currently has a case in the Supreme Court with state governments as respondents alleging that unlawful cruelty is common in the transport and slaughter of animals. The court has urged all states to crack down on unlicensed slaughterhouses as a result and to form law-enforcement committees.
Our Answer:
Has PETA India sought a complete ban on the slaughterhouses and beef Industry? PETA India has been targeting poor, small butchers who are already finding it tough to make ends meet while PETA India consciously does NOT talk about the mechanized, massive slaughter houses that produce beef for export. Interestingly, PETA India does not seem to have even a single investigation report on any of the major slaughter houses of India.
Has PETA India sought a complete ban on the slaughterhouses and beef Industry? PETA India has been targeting poor, small butchers who are already finding it tough to make ends meet while PETA India consciously does NOT talk about the mechanized, massive slaughter houses that produce beef for export. Interestingly, PETA India does not seem to have even a single investigation report on any of the major slaughter houses of India.
PETA Statement 11: PETA India uses top lawyers who work for us on a pro-bono basis – or at a significantly reduced cost – for various cases. We don’t have crores to spend on a lawyer. We’re a non-profit organisation.
Our Answer:
What is the significantly reduced cost? If not crores, how much did they spend? Why not use the same lawyers to fight a court battle against HORSE RACING or DOG SHOWS or TEMPLE ELEPHANTS or ARMY/POLICE HORSES or DOGS. Will PETA publish its financial statements including FCRA statements, expenses statements? Who funds PETA and why?
What is the significantly reduced cost? If not crores, how much did they spend? Why not use the same lawyers to fight a court battle against HORSE RACING or DOG SHOWS or TEMPLE ELEPHANTS or ARMY/POLICE HORSES or DOGS. Will PETA publish its financial statements including FCRA statements, expenses statements? Who funds PETA and why?
PETA Statement 12: PETA India and PETA US are separate entities. PETA India is an Indian group.
Our Answer:
If so, why is PETA using a different entity's campaign material even in their own FAQ? Will PETA publish its financial statements including FCRA statements, expenses statements? Who funds PETA and why?
If so, why is PETA using a different entity's campaign material even in their own FAQ? Will PETA publish its financial statements including FCRA statements, expenses statements? Who funds PETA and why?
All these animal welfare organizations who pursued the Jallikattu case have to be scrutinized by the real animal lovers, public and the powers to be. They only target native breeds and provide lip service to real animal cruelty involving imported breeds and activities of the rich and mighty!
This public statement has been fully endorsed by the following organizations:
1. Biodiversity Conservation Council of India (BiCCI)
2. Karthikeya Sivasenapathy, Managing Trustee, Senaapathy Kangayam Cattle Research Foundation, Kuttapalayam, Tamilnadu
3. Kangayam Cattle Breeders Society, Kangayam, Tamilnadu
4. C. Appadurai, President, Kangayam Kaalai Rekla Nala Sangam, Dharapuram, Tamilnadu
5. Balakumar Somu, Founder, Activists for Righteous Harmony of Animals Movement Trust (ARHAM), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
6. Ramakrishnan, President, A. Kalimuthurajan, Secretary, S. Prabhakaran, Treasurer, Tamilnadu Vivasaayigal Paarambariya Kalachara Trust, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
7. E.N.Sivasenapathy, Managing Trustee, Barugur Hill Cattle Breeders Association, Ennamangalam, Tamilnadu
8. Janakiraman, President, Umbalachery Parambariya Kaalnadai Valarpor Sangam(Native Livestock Breeders Association), Korkai, Tamilnadu
9. Moghanraj, President, VAANGHAI Trust, Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu
10. Madhava Hebbar, Promoter, TEAM DESI MILK Bangalore, Karnataka
11. Nitin Shewale, President, Khed Taluka Chalak Malak Sangh, Pune, Maharashtra
12. Thirumugam. S, Organiser, Tamilnadu Rekla Club, Coimbatore
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